The charming girl of the farm gate of crossing

Chapter 815 The villain carries Ye Tongsheng's schoolbag

Chapter 815 The villain carries Ye Tongsheng's schoolbag

He was busy all day long, but He Xiner's heart was empty. She felt that the days passed very slowly. The big hall brother has been away for five days, why hasn't he come back yet?

Don't know if everything is going well?
Alas, I heard that we have to enter the arena before dawn, and it is the time when the cold is very strong, so why doesn't she know how to make knee pads for the hall brother?
Hey, talk like you can do it~
Just like that, those who looked forward to the stars and the moon finally looked forward to returning to the big brother. At this time, the workers in the village had just left, and the sun was setting and the evening was dark.

He Xiner habitually stood outside the gate and looked around. The sky was getting dark, and a thin figure turned into the alley and came striding forward.

"Big brother!"

Cheering, He Xiner raised her feet and ran towards the person who came.

"Big Brother, Big Brother!"

Ye Xusheng's heart warmed when he heard the crisp voice with boundless joy, and he couldn't help but quicken his steps.

"Big Brother, you are finally back, I miss you so much!"

He Xiner hugged Ye Xusheng's arm enthusiastically, as if she was so happy, her smart eyes were bright, and she smiled like a fool~
The girl's bright smile was as warm as the sun in June, which made Ye Xusheng a little distracted.

"Brother Hall, have you eaten well these days? Have you slept well? Entering the venue so early, is it cold?"

"Well, it's all good, Xin'er doesn't have to worry."

Looking at He Xin'er with his soft eyes, Ye Xusheng's lips fluttered, and he smiled softly, like a breeze blowing on his face, refreshing his heart.

"Oh, by the way, how did the hall brother do in the exam?"


"Ah! Hit! Hit! Great! Great!"

He Xiner was jumping up and down happily, laughing and shouting, very excited, really excited, when she jumped up again, Ye Xusheng smiled and looked down at her, and He Xiner, who was much shorter by a head, jumped directly to the side of Ye Xusheng's face, Taking advantage of the opportunity, he kissed him on the face, "Brother Datang is awesome!"

"Bang, bang, bang!"

The palpitations were severe, his face was burning hot, his body seemed to be frozen, and he couldn't move at all.

Ye Xusheng blinked his eyes lightly, a little at a loss.

"Go home! Go home! Let our grandfather, uncle, and my parents be happy! Haha, today is such a good day!"

He Xiner, who didn't know anything about her violent behavior, kept talking non-stop, and even stretched out her hands and said enthusiastically, "Big brother, you've worked hard, come, come, come, little man Ye Tongsheng carries his schoolbag."

In her opinion, there is nothing wrong with this behavior. She and the eldest brother are direct cousins, and they are no different from their own brother. Besides, she is still young, so it is not normal for her to kiss her own brother, just like a little cousin. Like kissing her when you're happy, it's a way of expressing joy.

"No need for Xin'er, brother is not tired."

Slightly hoarse voice, somewhat uncomfortable.

Usually, she joked so much, the eldest brother would have been happy, but the excited He Xiner didn't notice it.

After talking for a while, the sky was completely dark, He Xiner smiled and pulled Ye Xusheng into the main room, "Dang, Dang, Dang, our Ye Tongsheng has returned in triumph!"

Lao Yetou and the others didn't care about the triumphant return for a while, and felt a little dizzy just hearing the words Ye Tongsheng.

"Ye Tongsheng? Has he been promoted?"

Old Yetou looked straight at his grandson with his eyes, the corners of his lips trembled a little, and he tightly grasped the corner of the table with both hands, the veins on the back of his hands were bulging due to too much force.

The other people also stared wide-eyed, looking at Ye Xusheng without blinking, obviously their hearts were already blooming with joy, but they always felt a little uneasy, and they just waited for me to speak, so that they could let go of their hearts that were hanging in the air. Put it back in your belly.

"Well, I hit it."

Ye Xusheng's expression was calm, as if he didn't take the result too seriously.

(End of this chapter)

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