Chapter 816

Not to mention how excited old Yetou was, how excited Ye Laijin and Ye Laiyin were, and how excited Xiaoqian was, in short, the whole old Ye family was beaming with joy, so happy that the three old Yetou drank too much that night.

On the second day, everyone in Yejia Village knew that Ye Xusheng had passed the boy's exam, and all the workers congratulated Old Ye Touye one after another. liquor.

The family is building a house, and the eldest grandson has achieved good grades in the exam. What is it if it is not Double Happiness?
Lao Yetou felt so happy in his heart, just like eating ice cubes in June, his whole body was refreshed and comfortable.

Mimi smiled and accepted everyone's congratulations, then waved his hand and let go, and when the house is all built, he will invite everyone to eat noodles.

Everyone screamed excitedly, like thunder, resounding through the clouds.

After staying for two days, an inquisitive person got the news and immediately spread the word, saying that Ye Xusheng and five people went to the county together, and only one of his children was hit.

Moreover, a total of four students in Pingning Town passed the examination, and the other three scholars were from the academy in the town.

Ye Xusheng didn't talk about these things when he returned home, and he didn't even talk about his own ranking, otherwise, with the temperament of old Qian and Xiao Qian, he would have already been frightened all over the world, and still ask others to inquire about it?
The whole village was in an uproar.

Boy Sheng is so powerful!
Ye Dahe's family has really changed their family~
Soon, not only Yejia Village, but also people in the nearby villages all knew that there was a young and promising young man in Yejia Village, and the family was rich. , the more it spreads, the more evil it becomes~
For a while, Lao Ye's family was in the limelight.

Just when the turmoil cooled down a little, Lao Ye's family spread good news again.

On February 26, Xiaoqian, the eldest daughter-in-law of the old Ye family, gave birth to a son after a night of labor pains. The mother and child were safe.

Three blessings for Lao Ye's family!
This, this kind of luck, what can people say?

People in the countryside have a hard life. Women don’t get much preferential treatment when they are pregnant. They eat how they eat and work as they want. Their nutrition can’t keep up. , and even monkey cubs weighing more than three catties.

Lao Ye's family added a big fat golden grandson who weighed more than six catties, and Lao Ye's head was so happy that he smiled, and Lao Qian also smiled happily. These days, wave after wave of old ladies came to flatter her, coaxing her into Floating on the clouds, Xiaoqian was finally pleasing to the eye.

The girls in the family don't have a baby name, so they are called by their first and second names. The only male grandson, Ye Xusheng, has a baby name, but since he went to school, he has been called by his scientific name, and he has gradually gotten used to it.

Now that Dafang has added a fat boy, Lao Yetou gave him a baby name, Liujin, just because he was happy.

As for the name, Old Yetou thought to himself, the eldest grandson won the boy's test, and when the house is tidied up, there must be a banquet. At that time, I will ask the eldest grandson's wife to come up with a learned name, and he will follow his eldest brother in the future. It's the same as reading and taking a test of fame.

In the year when the eldest grandson was born, life in the family was difficult, and they did not buy full moon wine, and the two girls did not say that. Now that the family is not short of money, they must hold a lively full moon banquet.

Therefore, Lao Ye's family decided to invite the whole village to eat the flowing water banquet on March 26, and celebrate the three happy events together.

By that time, the house would have been tidied up, and it would be ample to set up a few tables in the yard. Besides, it was a lukewarm season, and sitting in the yard with the breeze blowing and drinking a little wine was comfortable. So beautiful.

After the date was set, all the people in Yejia Village were waiting to eat noodles.

Old Ye's family was also busy and happy. Little Qian's daughter Ye Feifeng was waiting for her, so old Qian didn't care about it. He sat on the kang every day and listened to a group of people's praises, and picked up beans for her by the way.

 ask for a ticket~~
  Thank you in advance~~
(End of this chapter)

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