The charming girl of the farm gate of crossing

Chapter 817 That dog has a big appetite

Chapter 817 That dog has a big appetite

A group of old ladies headed by Mrs. Lin and Widow Zhang of Ye Changsheng's family came to help Mrs. Qian pick up beans when they saw the sky. of.

By the way, he told Ye Xusheng about the marriage in a cryptic manner. At first, old Qian didn't realize it. He only thought that he was introducing a girl to her third son, and she was so happy, but she said a lot with an air of arrogance. Heap conditions.

What is beautiful, good-tempered, and what dowry is more, the talk is endless.

Everyone was so annoyed that they wanted to shake her ears.

Seeing her thinking more and more, Mrs. Lin directly made it clear that her niece and granddaughter were looking for Boy Sheng, but who would have thought that this would anger old Mrs. Qian. Her son is not married yet, and the eldest grandson wants to Back row.

Besides, her grandson is going to be an official in the future, so he naturally wants to marry a lady from the official family. A group of mud-legged people dare to miss her grandson. It's really a toad who wants to eat swan meat!
Everyone listened to her brazenly say that she would marry an official's family as grandson's daughter-in-law, although they were disdainful in their hearts, they didn't dare to reveal anything.

Today's Lao Ye's family is in flames, who would dare to offend others?
Recently, Lao Ye's family was going smoothly, and Lao Yetou was beaming every day, and he was so happy that he couldn't close his mouth from ear to ear. He was chatting and laughing with Ye Fuyun in the front yard, watching everyone doing their work, and when he turned his head, he saw an angry Ye Laiyin walked in.

Old Yetou's heart skipped a beat, feeling a little uneasy.

The house is built at home, but the business of bean sprouts has not been delayed, and the potatoes in the vegetable shed are about to be exchanged for money. Everything is going smoothly. What kind of anger is the second child?
There were too many people in the family, and it was hard to talk. Ye Laiyin held back his anger and held it back for a whole day until all the workers left, and then went to the vegetable shed with his father and elder brother to talk about the matter.

"Second, what did you say?"

Old Yetou was so angry that the corners of his mouth trembled and his hands trembled a little.

"The third child went to Taifeng Building to find Big Brother Guan. He said that he wanted to sell the bean sprout recipe to Taifeng Building, and asked him to keep it from us, and he also said that he would give [-]% of the money he got to Big Brother Ye Guan."

The most angry moments had passed, and Ye Laiyin calmly talked to his father with a sullen face.

"Is it really the third child?"

It wasn't that he didn't believe his second brother's words, Ye Laijin simply couldn't believe that such a thing would happen.

"Of course it's him, Brother Guan can still deceive people?"

Lao Yetou and Ye Laijin immediately became angry, and they cursed Ye Laicai for eating inside and outside.

Ye Laiyin said coldly, "Father, elder brother, how much money do you think the third son wants to sell for the bean sprouts method?"

"How many?"

The father and father almost spoke in unison.

"Hmph, that dog has a big appetite, and it costs 500 taels of silver when he opens his mouth."


"If this unfilial son dares to come back, I will break his leg!"

Taking a deep breath, Old Yetou waved the cigarette stick in his hand viciously, as if he could hit Ye Laicai.

"He is taking [-]% of the profit to lure the brothers of the Guan family, and together they cheated the owner of Taifeng Building!"

Ye Laijin, who was thinking at the side, spoke coldly.

Lao Ye was stunned at first, and then broke into a layer of cold sweat.

"Thanks to the close relationship between the second girl and the Guan family girl, Guan Xiuyuan is also close to our family, and she is wholeheartedly planning for our family. If there is another person, who can resist the temptation of 150 taels of silver?"

I also knew that the unfilial son would not hand in the money even if he sold it, but he cut off the family's business.

This bastard, for the sake of money, even cheated on his own father!

Ye Laiyin's eyes flickered lightly, the Guan family earned more than 200 taels of silver from the wild fruit business, and the third child is the big brother Guan who has never seen big money~
Of course, Brother Guan values ​​love and righteousness, and he is not the villain who just sees profit and forgets righteousness at all.

He even disdains to collude with that bastard of the third child.

(End of this chapter)

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