The charming girl of the farm gate of crossing

Chapter 818 Could it be that he can't pick it up?

Chapter 818 Could it be that he can't pick it up?
Speaking of which, Ye Laicai was really clever. After seeing Mrs. Wang pouring water on the bean sprouts a few times, he guessed about [-]% to [-]% of the method of sprouting bean sprouts.

Back in the town, he hurriedly rented a small house, which was very remote, because he was afraid that others would find him.

He bought soybeans and mung beans, and he was bored to do experiments again and again. It was still in the first month of the month, and he didn’t know how to soak beans in warm water, just put them in a wooden box, and pour some water every once in a while. Send out bean sprouts?
All the beans I bought were ruined and there was not a single sprout.

The corners of Ye Laicai's mouth burst into flames in anxiety.

Beans in the grain store are more expensive than those in the market. In order to save money, Ye Laicai went to the market to buy beans again. He was surprised to see that the men from Lao Qian’s family and Lao Wang’s family were selling bean sprouts in the market. .

You said that hatred in Ye Laicai's heart!

The whole family was wary of him, and never talked about the bean sprouts business in front of him. His mother didn't even know how to produce bean sprouts, but she taught this method to outsiders. They would rather let outsiders make money than bring money. on him.

Since you are not benevolent, don't blame Lao Tzu for being unrighteous!

This person is really a little clever, he failed a few times and didn't get discouraged, he continued to buy beans and experimented again and again, and finally he tossed out the Laoshizi bean sprouts.

He was so excited that he almost cried.

Well, I finally figured out how to grow bean sprouts, and the next step is how to exchange money.

There are already two of them selling this thing in the market, so it's not easy for him to get involved.

Besides, he has a very high self-esteem and always feels that he is great. If he is asked to go to the market to greet people with a smile for a penny, wouldn't that kill him?
It's strange, so many bean sprouts are grown in the family every day, and his second brother also ran to the town in a hurry. Where did he sell them?

When Ye Laicai was about to break his head, he suddenly thought of Guan Xiuyuan.

Hey, yes!

With a slap on his thigh, Ye Laicai shouted excitedly.

No wonder his family wanted to invite Guan Xiuyuan to dinner, so it was like this!
Obviously, the family has been doing this bean sprouts business for a long time. Looking at the acquaintance of those two mud legs with the shopkeeper, you can tell that they are on good terms.

I'm afraid it will be difficult to deal with the bean sprouts business at home.

Ye Laicai always felt that he was more capable than Ye Laijin and Ye Laiyin, and he didn't give up even though he knew that things were difficult to handle.

When he gets the business of Taifeng Building, why are those two mud legs so proud?

After making up his mind, he found out the long robe that was handed over from Ye Xusheng. The man who tidied it up looked like a dog, and went into Taifeng Building to order food. Enduring the pain, he ordered a meat dish, a stir-fried soybean sprout, and a bowl of rice.

Good guy, this Taifeng restaurant is indeed the largest restaurant in Pingning Town, the food inside is really expensive, a plate of braised pork is not enough for him to stuff his teeth, it costs [-] yuan.

Eighty Wen, enough to buy five catties of fat!
Hey, what are you thinking?

Now the concern is the price of bean sprouts!

My dear, Taifenglou is really slanderous, such a plate of stir-fried bean sprouts without meat is actually asking for fifteen cents!

Oops, I'm really confused, it's good to be expensive, good to be expensive!
Haha ...

Just like that, Ye Laicai went back to Taifeng Building twice more, to serve two dishes and eat slowly, observing calmly, he found that there were quite a few people ordering this bean sprouts, and the sales were booming.

Hmph, his father and the two mud-legged people have made a lot of money in this business!
But it was a big guy who didn't give it to him or tell him, and tried every means to guard against him.

His father's heart really went to the sky, those two clay legs were relatives, could it be that he picked them up?
Very good!
Very good!

Ye Laicai went crazy, shutting himself in the small rented house, thinking about how to support his family's business without eating or drinking.

 Ask for a ticket~
  Thank you in advance~~
(End of this chapter)

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