The charming girl of the farm gate of crossing

Chapter 827 Why is everyone surnamed Ye?

Chapter 827 Why is everyone surnamed Ye?
Alas, people are more popular than people!

This Mrs. Wang is a muddle-headed person and has no sons. Whose family is this in? Isn't it the one who is disliked by her mother-in-law and husband-in-law?
Some people live more decently than them.

Not to mention the clothes she was wearing, tsk, tsk, tsk, there was nothing old up and down, it was so shiny, and she was really willing to see the sky smoldering in the kitchen.

In other words, there is no woman who does not love beauty. They also have money, so they cut two new clothes first, which makes sense.

The most surprising thing is not Wang's clothes, but her appearance and temperament.

Half a year ago, Mrs. Wang still had a sallow face, her eyes were gray, she was skinny, and she looked like a bitter melon. Except for being able to chat with Mrs. Bai, she didn't talk to others very much. She was soft-tempered and said It's not a good sentence, and it's not much different from a noodle.

But now Wang's complexion is fair and elastic, her eyes are clear and transparent, her whole face is radiant and energetic, she feels ten years younger than before, and she speaks and acts quite generously, and she does things even more crisply.

There was such a big battle in the family, seeing more than 100 people eating, the old Qian didn't even show his head, he just knew how to lie on the kang and gossip with others, and the little Qian was in confinement, which was even more unreliable.

As for Ye Osmanthus, even if the family is busy, she won't stick a finger. Oh, there is also the girl in the big house. Maybe she is busy serving her mother during her confinement. Except for serving food in the backyard, she will never see anyone again. of.

The entire old Ye family is in charge of the Wang family, of course, it is the logistics supply.

The old men who have families in the area where the house is built don't need the women to worry about it at all.

In the past, I dared not speak loudly, but now I have completely changed into a person, and I have done everything in my life, no matter what happens, I am not impatient, calm and dignified~
Not to mention the cooked food, but the way to serve the food is also wonderful, not to mention more than 100 people eating, even if there are twice as many people, they will not be afraid of rushing.

Well, it is said that her niece gave her the idea, and she is also a clever girl.

Why is the surname Ye?
Just like that, everyone was very harmonious on the surface but actually had different thoughts, chatting and laughing and getting busy.

He Xiner and Wang Jinling couldn't help each other, so they made breakfast together, thinking that it would be troublesome to make porridge and stir-fry, so He Xiner decided to make pimple soup, which was delicious and full, saving trouble.

Brother Mancang also grows potatoes at home, he is not an outsider, and he is not afraid of being found out, so he took his little cousin to the vegetable garden to dig a small basket of potatoes and came back.

He Xiner made the gnocchi made by stirring dry flour with eggs. It tastes good, and it is also very slippery. With the soft and sticky diced potatoes, it is a perfect combination. It is delicious, not to mention smooth.

At this time, the sky was not yet bright, and the cool breeze was blowing on the body. After drinking a large bowl of hot pimple soup, I immediately felt warm and comfortable~
Both Liu Shi and Wang Shi laughed and joked, if their daughters had half of He Xiner's skills, they would be satisfied.

Everyone laughed in good faith, and He Xiner laughed dryly.

Everyone has something they are good at. Although Yuanyuan Cuizhi is not good at cooking, she is good as a female celebrity. She can embroider flowers and grass in a serious manner. If her mother asks her to learn it in such a tone Nuhong, she has to find a crack in the ground to get in~
Not long after breakfast, Ye Fuyun’s daughter-in-law Kong also brought her two sister-in-laws to help. The village chief valued Ye Xusheng, so he naturally wanted the two families to be friends. Besides, Yejia Village hadn’t held a water banquet for decades, and Ye Xusheng had won the boy’s trial. , are all good things to give Ye Village face, as the village head, of course he must support it.

Before the sun set over the treetops, Ye Laiyin had already returned from the town, drank a bowl of pimple soup in a hurry, and went into the mountains to find Ye Laijin and his father.

Well, today Ye Xusheng was at home on leave, and he and his father took Dabai into the mountain without having breakfast.

(End of this chapter)

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