The charming girl of the farm gate of crossing

Chapter 828 It's Impossible

Chapter 828 It's Impossible
Wang and others will steam a pot of steamed buns, and a group of helping women will come.

The daughter-in-law of Ye Changsheng's family, Wu Shi, and the daughter-in-law of Zhang Widow's family, Shen Shi, etc., only one person came from each family, because they were afraid that there would be too many people and it would be too crowded.

On big occasions such as wedding banquets in the countryside, every household has to show up to help out. This is a rule handed down by the ancestors.

When people came to help, Mrs. Wang naturally smiled to express her gratitude. Mrs. Wu, Mrs. Chen and others quickly laughed and said, "We are all here to eat rice noodles, so it's not right to help with some odd jobs."

Now the old Ye family is the only respectable one in the whole Ye family village, they are eager to have such an opportunity to set up friendship, therefore, none of them are carrying it, talking lively, their hands are not idle, rolling up their sleeves to wash Once he touched his hands, he started to work quickly with his hands and feet.

When Ye Laijin and Ye Laiyin came back, they were followed by ten young men, and of course the majestic Dabai. The group was majestic and full of momentum.

When the wild game came back, Ye Xusheng, Ye Mancang and other brothers took the initiative to slaughter chickens and rabbits, and Ye Laijin and his brothers didn't have to stretch a finger.

And He Xiner hurriedly heated up the pimple soup, so that the uncle, the eldest brother, and her father all drank the bowl mats to cushion their stomachs, well, the Dabai ancestors were naturally indispensable.

He Xiner and Wang Jinling squatted on the ground, smiling as they watched Dabai eating pimple soup, touching its big head to tease it from time to time.

Bai Shi, Liu Shi, Ning Shi and others are no longer surprised.

But Kong, Wu, Shen and others saw each other for the first time, and they couldn't help but secretly wink, which means, look at how they are going, dogs are eating white noodle soup, tsk, tsk, tsk ...

In fact, the whole Ye Family Village has already spread the word that Ye Laiyin's daughter loves the dog, and she either buys steamed chicken or meat bones, and feeds it in different ways every day.

But there is still a gap between hearing and seeing with one's own eyes.

Alas, there is really no comparison, not to mention steamed chicken and meat bones, but this white noodle soup, the children in the family can't eat it twice a year.

This is really, really worse than a dog!

Although the words are ugly, it is the truth, without any falsehood.

Envy is for sure, and there is also jealousy, but no one speaks bitterly.

Inevitably, someone would turn their attention to He Xiner, but it's a pity that everyone's surname is Ye.

Don't look at the cool breeze in the morning, but the sun hangs in the sky and it warms up immediately.

Today is really a good weather, the sky is clear, white clouds are blooming, and the blue sky is as clear and transparent as washed by water.

The warm spring breeze is soft and warm, mixed with the fragrance of grass and trees.

After the reconstruction of the east and west wing rooms in the front yard, the yard was also picked up. The original poplar trees were cut down, the ground was leveled, and green bricks were laid on the ground.

There are two small flower beds surrounded by bamboo fences under the windows of the east and west rooms, and some flowers and plants to prevent mosquitoes will be planted. This will be bare, but the oval flower beds built at the gate of the courtyard have two pomegranate trees planted on the left and right. Some roses were sparsely planted.

People in the country don't build screen walls, and the vegetation in the flower beds grows vigorously, but it can also block the line of sight to a certain extent.

The high courtyard wall is made of blue bricks, which looks calm and atmospheric. The mahogany gate with copper ring is simple, elegant, luxurious and expensive. This is not like a rural farmhouse, even ordinary people in the town do not have such a style.

Uncle Cao and Aunt Wang took their four children and searched all the way to find it. When they turned into the alley of Lao Ye's house, they were dumbfounded~

"This, this is impossible, how could Lao Ye's family be so rich!"

Knowing her daughter's thoughts, Aunt Wang naturally hoped that the richer Ye's family would be, the better, but, but, why can that bitch live in such a big house!
The strong jealousy had already distorted Aunt Wang's mind, so she couldn't see anything good about Mrs. Wang.

 Ask for a ticket~
  Thank you in advance~~
(End of this chapter)

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