Chapter 829 Why are you here?
"To shut up!"

Uncle Cao, who was in deep shock, was instantly brought back to his senses by Aunt Wang's voice, and immediately raised his hands in annoyance, really wishing to shake this idiot's ears.

But today they are visiting as guests, um, even though they were not invited, it's not easy to beat them red and swollen and go to the banquet, and they have to suppress their anger.

With a heavy snort, Uncle Wang's eyes were cold and his expression was ruthless, "If you spoil my good deeds, I will break your leg and go back to Lao Wang's house!"

Aunt Wang's triangular eyes were wide open, her mouth was opened wide in shock, and she couldn't make a sound.

We have been married for so many years, and the children have grown up. It is the first time I have seen her husband so fierce. Aunt Wang was really shocked. She opened her mouth stupidly and stared at him, as if she didn't believe this. It's like he said it.

The brothers and sisters of the Cao family were all shocked by the mansion of Lao Ye's family, especially along the way, all of them were yellow adobe houses with fenced courtyard walls, so suddenly they saw the mansion of green bricks, which was undoubtedly a luxurious retreat in the slums. The contrast is simply not too strong.

No wonder, no wonder, Second Aunt's wooden hairpin costs 12 taels of silver, Lao Ye's family is really rich~
Thinking of this, Cao Xinlan was overjoyed, she was going to marry cousin Ye, and Ah Qing was waiting for a better life in the future, haha.

Hmph, she doesn't care about wooden hairpins, she wants to buy gold-headed noodles, yes, all gold, gold bracelets, gold collars, gold hairpins, gold hairpins, golden steps...

And Cao Sanxi has gloomy eyes, the cousin of the Ye family is like a fairy, and the family is so expensive, he is not worthy...

That's it, each thinking about their own concerns, not even caring about their mother being scolded.

Uncle Cao's name is Cao Dezheng, but it's a pity that he has neither virtue nor integrity.

He exhaled a few times, forcing himself to calm down, and then said in a deep voice, "Don't forget what I said, whoever dares to cause trouble, I will break the leg!"

Aunt Wang's name is Wang Huiyun, she knew that her husband was beating her, she felt a chill in her heart, and nodded with difficulty.

"Xinlan, do you remember what Dad said?"

Fortunately, the three sons said that what he was most afraid of was that the two of them would do stupid things again and rush to offend others, so wouldn't his efforts be in vain? For today's occasion, he spent fifty cents and bought Two jars of good wine.

Cao Xinlan's heart had already flown to Lao Ye's house, and she was only bothered by her parents' chattering and chattering, if she had time, wouldn't it be good for her to talk to Ye's cousin?
"Okay, okay, hurry up, mom and dad, I'm going to find my eldest cousin."

"Stop for Laozi!"

Cao Dezheng almost couldn't hold back his tantrum and roared, his voice was suppressed and his tone was quite scary, and finally brought back a point or two of IQ from Cao Xinlan, who was a nympho.


With a cute, soft and waxy voice, if you don't look at the person, you really can't guess the appearance of the deity.

Cao Dezheng looked at the daughter who had copied his face with complicated eyes, thinking that the Ye family boy was handsome and had a bright future, and it would not be easy to facilitate this marriage, so before he came, he reminded his daughter not to be reckless.

But seeing his daughter's face full of spring, rippling and slightly frightened, he regretted bringing his daughter here. With the situation in Lao Ye's house, it is of course a lot of benefits to climb up to his in-laws, but, but, what if it doesn't work out? ...

It would be better to just talk about the relationship between relatives and get closer and take advantage of it.

Or, drive her mother and daughter back?

Just when Cao De was hesitating and unable to make up his mind, Old Wang's family turned into the alley.

"Huiyun, son-in-law, why are you here?"

The old king's old voice suddenly sounded behind him.

(End of this chapter)

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