The charming girl of the farm gate of crossing

Chapter 830 This Is Hitting Him With A Chapter

Chapter 830 This Is Hitting Him With Words
Ye Laiyin specially sent a message to the old father-in-law's family, inviting them all to come and eat wine. The old Wangtou was overjoyed, and happily directed his three sons to buy gifts. Early this morning, he even sent the younger son to the town to rent a cow Car, the whole family went to the banquet together.

"Father-in-law, mother-in-law."

When the two met each other, Old Wangtou was very surprised and blurted out the words.

It is said that Cao Dezheng's eyes are slightly cold, and he wants your old Wang family to befriend Lao Ye's family to take advantage of it, so my old Cao's family can't take advantage of it?

But he is a face-saving person, his mind is quick, and he doesn't show his dissatisfaction easily. With a smile on his face, he greets everyone very politely.

Hey, now is not the time for him to hold his chin up high and wait for the old Wang family to curry favor with him, now and then, the most important thing to be a human is to know the current affairs, you can't accept death, right?
He is a tactful person in the first place, and he used to put on airs in the old Wang's house, but he also looked down on the old Wang's house from the bottom of his heart.

Now, the stupid woman had such a fight with his sister, if she wanted to hug the thick leg of Lao Ye's family, she had to take advantage of Lao Wang's family.

It's just that no matter how tactful he was, he couldn't help but froze when he saw the pile of gifts on the bullock cart rented by the old Wang's family.

The old stuff is really willing to spend money in order to take advantage of it!
Trying hard to suppress the uneasiness in his heart, Cao Dezheng suddenly shouted, "Why don't you call me?"

Naturally, the ones shouting were their own children, but they also took the opportunity to vent their dissatisfaction with Uncle Wang and others for not speaking to him first.

Anyway, that stupid woman is the daughter of the old Wang's parents, and he is also older than the Wang brothers, the other party should greet him first, and those little brats, who used to want to pounce on me when they saw me, now they all follow her. It's like a log, and it can't even call someone!
Hmph, isn't it just relying on the power of the old Ye family?

Let's wait and see!
The two parties said hello one by one in an unhappy way, the old Wangtou and the three sons secretly met their eyes, Lao Cao's family is here, and they can't drive them away, they just look forward to these troubles Don't make trouble at Lao Ye's banquet~
"Grandma, this big house in front is the second aunt's house, can you see it clearly? The big tiled house with blue bricks and mahogany copper ring gate, oh, it's really grand!"

Wang Xiangzhong looked straight at him a long time ago, and after the two groups of people finished greeting, he could no longer hold back the admiration in his heart.

Not to mention, the old Mrs. Wang really couldn't see the truth. Hearing what the little grandson said, she felt happy in her heart, and kept saying, "Okay, okay, okay..."

The Feng family, Jiang family, and Lu family were dumbfounded, and the Wang family brothers and Wang Xiangdong brothers were also a little unbelievable. This, this old Ye family is even more magnificent than the local rich man's family!

Now that the two groups of people are working together, they will respect the old Wangtou, and all the people are waiting for him to speak, as if no one dares to step into that high gate if no one speaks to make decisions.

Old Wangtou was so excited that he couldn't help himself.

Secretly exhaled two long breaths, the family and the driver were all waiting for him to speak, he couldn't be ashamed.

"Before entering Lao Ye's house, the old man said something else: Today, Lao Ye's family invites the whole village to eat the flowing water mat. There are many people and things, so it is inevitable to be in a hurry. We can't help, but we can't cause trouble for others. Do you remember?"

"Hey, listen to Dad."

"We know."

The old Wang looked at Cao Dezheng calmly, and was so annoyed that the other party kept teasing his teeth.

This is beating him with words!

The old man is really wide-ranging.

Gritting his teeth secretly, Cao Dezheng smiled and said, "It's still Yuefu who thinks well, isn't that the reason."

"Second brother-in-law must be very busy today. We should have come to help earlier, but we knew it was too late."

"We are all on our own, and we don't have to put on the airs of guests. We should help greet our neighbors, and let the second brother-in-law take it easy, right?"

Look at what you said, it's really thoughtful and considerate!

 Ask for a ticket~
  Thank you~~
(End of this chapter)

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