Chapter 831

The old masters of the Wang family all knew his character well, even if he said something, he would not believe it.

Anyway, the words have been said, how to do it is up to you, as long as they have the confidence to offend the old Ye family, they will take care of their works~
At that moment, the old Wangtou didn't say much anymore, he tugged at the clothes of the new work a little nervously, and said in a deep voice, "Let's go."

It is still early now, except for those who are helping in the backyard, no guests have come to the door, so there is no one to greet outside the door.

A group of people carried gifts and entered the gate of Lao Ye's house. After seeing the scene in the yard, they all took a deep breath.


Dizzy, he went around the flower bed and walked in. The soles of his feet were obviously bluestone bricks, but he felt like he was stepping on cotton, and it was like being in a cloud. Everything was so unreal.

There was no one in the front yard, and the old Wang pursed his lips dryly. He always felt that no one greeted him, some, some lacked momentum.

"Dabai, Dabai, come and chase me~"

A cheerful child's voice sounded, and everyone's eyes lit up.

The little Wang Jinling, who was wearing a pink skirt and two flowing bows on her hair, ran out of the Xikuo courtyard with a giggle, and Dabai followed her leisurely, playing with her.

When Wang Sanjiu and Lu Shimeng saw their daughter, they couldn't believe it. They hadn't seen each other for nearly two months, and their daughter had a seizure again. Oh, this dress is really beautiful, like a lady from a rich family~
"Miss Ling!"

Although Mrs. Wang has bad eyesight, she has good hearing.

"Grandpa, grandma, father, mother..."

The little girl who was only interested in teasing Dabai really didn't notice the people in the yard, when she heard her voice, she immediately cheered happily, and while running to meet people, she shouted crisply: "Second Uncle, Second Uncle, my grandfather Here comes the milk!"

Old Ye Touye and Ye Changshou and Ye Fuyun were talking, when they heard the guests coming, they rushed out of the main room to greet them, and saw that the Cao family was a little surprised and displeased, saying that the chaos in the first month was like that, the family There is actually a face door?

But in any case, coming to the door is a guest, and it is a day of great joy. Ye Laiyin is not easy to shake his face. He welcomes people into the main room politely, and asks Wang Jinling to call He Xiner to entertain the female relatives. Well, baby Mother is busy now, so I don't have time to talk.

Seeing Ye Laiyin's cold face, Cao De was secretly relieved, and then put on a smiling face, as kind as he could be.

After receiving the letter, He Xiner hurriedly washed her hands, tidied her clothes, and ran into the main room. When she saw who Uncle Cao was, she was in a great mood~
Ten shit can't express it.

One by one called someone, and took the little cousin into the inner room. Her grandma was the first to see her grandma when she came to the door. Hey, when she opened the coarse cloth curtain, she happened to see her fat aunt holding her grandma's hand. Speak affectionately.

Spicy eyes!
"Grandma, first concubine, second concubine, third concubine."

He Xin'er was so full of smiles that she was about to lift her foot to follow her grandmother when she heard an incomparably soft voice that was about to drip, "Sister Xin'er~"

That feeling of horror hit her heart again, and He Xin'er felt her scalp go numb and goosebumps all over her body.

"Hehe, hehe, my cousin is here too."

This is at her home, it would be outrageous if she ran away in a hurry.

It's just that the bottom of my heart is tense, what's going on?

Calm down, calm down, everything is for me to scare me~
"Xin girl is getting more and more fresh, come and ask Auntie to have a look..."

He Xiner suspected that she had hallucinations, and none of this was true.

Feng Shi and Jiang Shi subconsciously met each other's eyes, they were full of scolding Aunt Wang for being shameless, and after scolding them to their heart's content, they hummed softly and looked away.

The mother-in-law was gossiping with her in-laws, they were juniors so it was not easy to interrupt, but Wang Huiyun, a bitch, didn't even want face in order to get into Lao Ye's house.

(End of this chapter)

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