Chapter 832

Just when He Xin'er was made uncomfortable by Aunt Wang and his wife, Old Cui walked in with four daughters-in-law and two granddaughters.

The attitude is called amiable, one laughs happier than the other, polite and polite, talking affectionately...

He even praised her enthusiastically.

What the hell!What the hell!What the hell!

They are all bulls!
I am really convinced~
In fact, despite the fact that Old Cui and the others were calm on the surface, they were panicked in their hearts, afraid that Dabai would roar at them again.

From the first day when Lao Ye's house was built, Lao Qian's family knew about it, and the whole family was envious and jealous. Then, Ye Xusheng passed the boy's test, and the news spread in several nearby villages. Qian Dafa got the letter, Annoyed, he gave himself a slap on the ear.

Why can't I control my mouth when I'm old, and no one knows what I think in my heart, so why do I have to say it?
Later, when Xiaoqian gave birth to a son, Qian Dafa regained his energy immediately, the daughter is just striving to win a man in one fell swoop, good, good!
Haha ...

The grandson of the old Qian's family is holding a full moon banquet, and the grandson must be present, otherwise it would be rude, wouldn't it?
Just like that, Qian Dafa sent a message early, and the whole family went to Lao Ye's house to eat noodles.

If these words were left in the past, the whole family would jump up and down happily, but after seeing Dabai's power, they would not have the guts to eat rice noodles!
Whether it's the old Cui family or the Jiang family's sister-in-law; whether it's Qian Jinge seeing you, or the brothers Qian Rong; and the two little monkeys Qian Xiaomi and Qian Xiaohe, they all shook their heads in horror and refused to go. , not to go, not to eat wild ginseng!
Qian is so angry!
Jumping around and scolding a pack of cowards, but no matter how much he scolded, there was no response.

In the end, he was forced to break up the truth, break it apart, and tell them little by little that it was a big event and a happy event for the old Ye family to invite the whole village to eat noodles, and he didn't dare to make trouble. Wake up, how unlucky that is.

Besides, when the little grandson celebrates the full moon, it is a matter of course for his family to come to celebrate. No matter how violent his old Ye family is, they can't kick him out.

In front of the whole village, Dabai would not be able to scare people.

Ye Xusheng is a scholar, what do scholars care about most?
Of course it is fame!

He talked a lot, and Qian Da was so anxious that his forehead sweated. If he didn't take this great opportunity to reconnect with the old Ye family, it would be difficult to get close in the future.

After listening to his analysis, coupled with the panic of greed, old Cui and others finally made up their minds to eat noodles!

It has to be said that Qian Dafa is indeed good at calculating, his analysis is correct, today is a good day for the old Ye family, even if they don't want to see the old Qian family again, the old Ye family can't do anything to drive people away.

However, Lao Yetou's complexion was slightly dark, and his attitude towards him was obviously not as kind as that of Lao Wangtou.

Who is Qian Dafa?

Can he care about these?

He only cares about the benefits, as long as Lao Ye's family still recognizes him as a relative, the benefits will come sooner or later, so what's the point of being cold?
Facing such a rich and powerful old Ye family, he had already put his uncle's face behind his ears, and he didn't dare to put on airs to put on an air.

Qian Da found that he was sitting in the main room, sitting upright and talking with others, and his heart was already full of turmoil~
In fact, ever since he turned into the alley of Lao Ye's house, his heart had never been peaceful, his mind was dizzy, and he was shaking when he moved his legs and walked.

The more he was like this, the more he dared not be careless, tried his best to suppress the restlessness in his heart, and gave a serious warning at the door of Lao Ye's house: If anyone dares to cause trouble for him today, he will directly break his leg Get out of the house.

(End of this chapter)

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