Chapter 833

Old Cui and the others, who had already gone mad with excitement, finally returned to some sense after being beaten so hard, and they all agreed, saying that they would not talk nonsense.

Hey, they really dare not!
Although the blood in the whole body is boiling, I wish I could loot Lao Ye's house, but, but that dog is really scary...

There were so many women and children nestling together in the inner room, it was really too crowded, the three old ladies were sitting on the top of the kang and talking, Wang Huiyun also followed suit, Cao Xinlan stood close to her and next to the edge of the kang.

The other daughter-in-laws all stood under the kang to accompany them. He Xiner and Wang Jinling sat next to Ye Feifeng at the end of the kang. Seeing this, Qian Xiaohe and Qian Xiaomi also climbed up the kang unceremoniously.

"Second cousin, cousin Wang, let's play together."

"Second cousin's dress is really pretty..."

These two thin monkeys really have big faces.

"Are you trying to snatch Miss Xin'er's dress again? Could it be that a robber saved her life?"

Little Wang Jinling, who was nestling in He Xiner's arms and watching her with a smile, almost put her finger on the other's nose.

The old Qian's wife didn't know about He Xiner and the others going to the Qian's shop. Hearing Wang Jinling's accusation, they thought it was Qian Xiaohe's sneaky attempt to steal He Xiner's things.

It's just that she doesn't want to see the grandniece and grandniece of the two skinny monkeys, she might as well look at the Wang family girl pleasing to the eye, well, the Wang family brought a lot of things, including wine, meat, and a lot of dried fruit snacks...

Hmph, since my grandson's full moon is over, the whole family brings two pieces of children's clothes to eat and drink, is it embarrassing?
Hehe, it's rare to see someone as snobbish as old Qian and look down on his natal family~
A group of women were pretending not to mention how affectionate they were, and they were chatting hotly in a pretentious manner, and they were suddenly stunned by Wang Jinling's crisp voice, and the scene suddenly became a little stiff.

Aunt Wang was overjoyed, I am afraid that the dead girl is not a fool, she lives and eats in Lao Ye's house, and dares to disrespect her mother's family in front of Lao Ye's mistress, she will definitely be driven away by Lao Ye's house.

It happened to let Xinlan stay~
So, she waited for old Qian to get angry, but she waited and waited, but she didn't hear a word from the other party.

Wang Huiyun was a little confused.

And everyone in the old Qian's family was annoyed, how long has passed since which pot of the dead girl's film is not opened and which pot is lifted, and they insist on talking about it.

Old Cui and eldest daughter-in-law Jiang looked at old Qian, waiting for her to support them, but the other party pretended to be stupid and ignored them.

Wang Jinling's mother-in-law, Mrs. Lu, was startled by her daughter, and forced a smile with a stiff face, "Ling'er is used to fighting with her cousin, and she likes to make jokes. Don't take it to heart, girl of the Qian family!"

Instead, he glared at his daughter, "Apologize to Cousin Qian, and then have fun with the older sisters."

"My cousin has a childlike heart and loves to tell the truth. I don't think there is any need for an apology."

He Xiner smiled, and looked at Qian Xiaohe with sincere eyes, "Today is a big day for my family, and all the guests are here, so naturally we have to accompany them well. Cousin Qian, let's go, let's go to the yard Play."

Seeing He Xiner's opening, Mrs. Lu breathed a sigh of relief, then quietly glanced at Mrs. Qian, seeing that he was not displeased, as if he didn't take the matter of the children to heart, and finally he felt more at ease. .

A group of people had their own thoughts. If you want to say that the most calm person was Mrs. Wang, she didn't mean to blame the little granddaughter at all. She had a faint smile from the beginning to the end, calm and gentle.

Old Cui and the others were a little dumbfounded with Aunt Wang.

"Sister-in-law going out to play?"


Qian Xiaohe and Qian Xiaomi rolled their eyes and couldn't make up their minds. They didn't see the big dog when they came in, and they didn't know where the dog went.

If you go out and run into it, it will be troublesome~
(End of this chapter)

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