The charming girl of the farm gate of crossing

Chapter 834 This combination is really weird

Chapter 834 This combination is really weird
"Uh, um, let's talk in the room, then, we won't go out..."

He Xiner glanced at Qian Xiaohe who was speaking with a half-smile, and nodded, "If my cousin doesn't want to go out, that's fine."

The two sisters ignored the little thin monkey, greeted a few elders, and left the main room with Ye Guihua.

He Xiner wanted to go to the backyard to help, and let her little cousin play with her sister-in-law. She quickly turned into the backyard, subconsciously looked back, and watched the two go to the flower bed again.

Hey, this combination is really a bit weird.

What's even more strange is that neither the pomegranate nor the Chinese rose have bloomed, and I don't know what to look at.

She always feels that her sister-in-law seems to be planning something, and she has become more enthusiastic about her little cousin in the past few days~
Shaking her head, let her go, my cousin is a villain, so she won't be sold out.

Until He Xin'er and the others left, Aunt Wang still couldn't turn her head around. A girl who came to eat free food was so tough. It seems that that bitch still has a lot of status in Lao Ye's house...

It was true that there was a lump of cotton in her heart, and Aunt Wang just felt a little out of breath.

That bitch can't even give birth to a son, why can he live so decently?
After being beaten up by her husband, she was originally trying to play a sisterly relationship with Wang, but after being interrupted by Wang Jinling, Aunt Wang's jealous heart began to twist again.

Old Cui's mother-in-law and daughter-in-law were a little dissatisfied with old Qian's not helping their children, but they didn't dare to say anything, so they had to cheer up and flatter them.

Just talking, the topic got a bit off topic, one time asked how much money was used to build the house, another time asked what kind of business the family was doing, and another time he said that Lao Ye's family was prosperous, so he needed to help his relatives.

Of course, this relative only refers to her old Qian's family.

Then he turned a corner and praised his daughter, saying that she had added two golden grandchildren to the old Ye family, but the great hero of the old Ye family should not treat Yun Yun badly...

After all, in front of the old Wang's family, he couldn't step on the Wang's nakedly, but he also secretly squeezed her.

Old Qian's had been getting impatient for a long time, so he went back to this routine and read the film when he saw her, hmph, is it still the old Ye's family?

Taking up a long position, he just held him up in front of the old lady, and even taught the old lady a lesson?

The money of Lao Ye's family was not brought by the strong wind. Is it easy for my old lady to nest on the kang and pick up beans?

Why let you take advantage?
Besides, what if the old man gave birth to two grandchildren?She still wants to go beyond the old lady who is a mother-in-law?
Is it possible that the old lady wants to live by her face?
Therefore, old Cui successfully provoked old Qian's rebellious psychology, the more she talked about little Qian's contribution, the more old Qian became angry.

Which woman does not have children, only two sons, but my mother has three, what is there to say?
This old Qian's temper is naturally bad, and she is also greedy, but her only worry is that she has never scolded Wang for being a hen that doesn't lay eggs.

Because she was like a mirror in her heart, she knew what was going on better than anyone else.

Therefore, old Cui's words belittled Wang's inside and out, but old Qian didn't feel at all, and instead annoyed her extremely.

But the others didn't think so. The daughters-in-law of the Qian family, headed by the Jiang family, watched the excitement secretly, while the daughters-in-law of the Wang family, headed by the Feng family, were angry and worried at the same time.

Today's Lao Ye's family is no worse than that rich man's family. If they want money and fame, if, if they despise the second aunt, then...

The old Mrs. Wang held the corners of her clothes tightly with both hands, and tried her best to suppress the anger in her heart. She was very relieved to see the stubborn appearance of her little granddaughter and granddaughter.


Old Qian's family is naturally deceiving people too much, but now that Lao Ye's family is prosperous, and Huijuan doesn't have a son by her side, what if, what if...

 Ask for a ticket~
  Thank you in advance~
(End of this chapter)

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