The charming girl of the farm gate of crossing

Chapter 835 The room over there is spacious

Chapter 835 The room over there is spacious
"By the way, Lianhua is now living in Dongkuayuan. Sister-in-law, go and see the child. You mothers, please talk about yourselves. The room over there is spacious. I will set a table for you in the new room without delaying your mother." A few sweethearts."

Old Qian, who was used to flattery, would not listen to old Cui reading a film, so he opened his mouth directly.

This is quite polite, but the impatient face is full of impatience, which means: let's go, go find your daughter quickly, don't come over for lunch, the old lady is too lazy to talk to you.

The people present were neither blind nor stupid, so there was nothing they didn't understand.

Old Cui's face turned red with anger, dead thing, could he be a fool, what an idiot to face his natal sister-in-law in front of outsiders!
Hehe, who told you to keep your paws empty and not give old Qian Shi anything~
It's fine if you put it in the past, today is the big day of Lao Ye's family, a dozen or so members of your family only brought one mouth to the banquet, and you don't do Lao Qian's face at all, it's strange that she can wait to see you Woolen cloth.

In any case, the old Qian's obvious attitude surprised the old Wang family, but also secretly heaved a sigh of relief.

Old Qian's mother-in-law and daughter-in-law had just left after being sent away by Old Qian. Mrs. Lin, Widow Zhang and other old ladies also came to the door. Each of them brought their own granddaughters and rushed to find He Xiner tacitly. To play, Mrs. Feng, Mrs. Jiang, and Mrs. Lu were also sent by Mrs. Wang to help in the backyard.

Aunt Wang and her daughter Cao Xinlan squeezed into a group of old ladies and talked, which is really weird.

Before it was too late, ten tables had been lined up in the front yard. Brothers Ye Mancang and Ye Xusheng led five brothers Wang Xiangdong and Wang Xiangnan who volunteered to help, busy going in and out.

Oh, and Cao Sanxi with a solid eye.

As for Cao Daxing, Cao Erwang, and brothers Qian Rong, Qian Fu, Qian Gui, Qian Ming, and Qian Lei from the Qian family, none of them stepped forward to help.

The Qian family brothers are lazy, but Cao Daxing and Cao Erwang can't lose face. They come to the door as customers, and they should take care of it. Cough, cough, they want to make friends with Ye Xusheng, but the other party's attitude is cold, and the two brothers always take it Joe is used to it, and he can't let go of his figure and rushes to flatter him.

Today is the full moon banquet for the second son of the big house, so Dongkuayuan also set up ten tables to entertain the women and children in the village. thing.

These tables and chairs are all rented from the town, which is very convenient. After paying the money, the store will deliver the goods to the door, and they will come to the door to take them away after they are used up.

There are also plates, bowls and chopsticks that can be rented for the banquet. Ye Laiyin listened to the daughter-in-law and bought the Hsinchu chopsticks, and the rest were all rented.

They were busy for a while, Ye Lihua, Ye Daya, Ye Huniu, Ye Hexiu and many other little girls rushed in, greeted enthusiastically, and rushed to work.

On the first day of the new year, Ye Hexiu chattered wildly and took the opportunity to insinuate about He Xiner's affairs. He Xiner's little sisters didn't know about it, but Ye Lihua and the others knew about it. He laughed at her unceremoniously.

Ye Hexiu was so angry that she almost flung her sleeves and left.

It's just that her mother urged her ten thousand times to make friends with He Xiner. Besides, she has never had a serious meal when she grows up. She really doesn't want to miss this opportunity, so she has to coax her with nice words. After the other party said a few words, Ye Lihua and Ye Daya took the opportunity to snatch the silk flower from her head.

I hate her so much that she instigates toothache.

But the other party stared and threatened to tell He Xiner about the curse behind her back, forcing her to admit it through gritted teeth.

No matter what kind of thoughts a group of people have, they are smiling and harmonious on the surface.

In the face of many enthusiastic little girls, He Xiner thanked them politely, with a decent smile on her face, and talked with them in a friendly manner, calm and generous.

(End of this chapter)

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