The charming girl of the farm gate of crossing

Chapter 836 Dear Sisters Came So Early

Chapter 836 Dear Sisters Came So Early

No matter what idea these little girls have, whether it's a sincere friendship or a scheming, in short, today is a happy day, and He Xiner naturally wants to thank them for their initiative to come to help.

Her sister-in-law puts on airs of elders every day, and she really can't be expected to entertain a couple of them.

Ye Feifeng hid in the house without showing her head...

"My sisters are here so early!"

When He Xiner was thinking about Ye Feifeng in her heart, she appeared in front of everyone at the right time. She smiled happily and greeted Ye Lihua and the others one by one with the attitude of a master.

Today's Ye Feifeng is wearing a pomegranate red skirt, which is very fresh, and a pair of sparkling pearl flowers are on the two hair bags, which are dazzling and eye-catching.

Her original complexion was slightly dark, but now that she put on makeup, her small face was very white, but the rouge was a little heavy, and the red lips were too gorgeous. In addition, the pomegranate red dress on her body was gorgeous and extremely gorgeous.

Obviously at Hua Guduo's age, she should be pure and young, but she is dressed too heavily, and coupled with the undisguised smug look in her eyebrows and eyes, she appears a bit kitsch and snobbish.

On the other hand, she doesn't realize it herself, but at such a young age, she is very airy, with her head held high, her eyes growing to the top of her head, and she is holding her chin straight to people.

He Xiner never knew that Ye Feifeng was articulate. When she said her brother or her younger brother, she didn't want to show her intentions too clearly.

A group of little girls were milling around He Xiner, trying to get close when they had nothing to say. Although He Xiner smiled softly, she was polite and distant, but no matter what, she was neither arrogant nor arrogant. Not arrogant, amiable, without any look of contempt.

Looking at Ye Feifeng's appearance, I felt a little disgusted, but thinking about it carefully, the old Ye's family held a big banquet this time to celebrate her brother's winning the boy's test, and then to have children and build a house.

In this way, Dafang is the one they should curry favor with~
Immediately, someone with a smile on their faces rushed to give Ye Feifeng a compliment, complimenting her on her pretty clothes and her beautiful pearls, anyway, all the good things they could think of came out, and Ye Feifeng was about to float away. It blew into the sky.

Ye Feifeng raised her eyebrows triumphantly, squinted at He Xiner and raised her chin, but unfortunately the other party ignored her at all, so she didn't see her provocative gaze.

Sisters Ye Lihua, Ye Daya and Ye Hexiu all knew He Xiner's abilities, and they couldn't understand Ye Feifeng's face, so they only dealt with her a few words casually, and focused on He Xiner body.

The running water banquet in Lao Ye's family officially started before noon, and they didn't need a group of little girls to serve dishes and set the table. The daughters-in-law of each family were busy with their own work in an orderly manner.

In the front yard, Ye Xusheng, Ye Mancang and other brothers were serving trays and arranging dishes.

Each table is equipped with ten square stools and ten sets of bowls and chopsticks, and the banquet can be held if ten people gather together. After this wave of eating, clean up the bowls and chopsticks immediately, and then serve new dishes to clean the bowls and chopsticks, and so on, until the whole village eats well.

Now that the food is on the table, the banquet can start just waiting for Ye Dahe, the head of the old Ye family's family, to say a few words, but Ye Dahe is not in a hurry, the eldest grandson's wife hasn't arrived yet, so he has to wait.

The eldest son's second son's full moon banquet, Xiaoqian's natal family is naturally a distinguished guest, they don't eat the flowing water banquet in the courtyard, but set up a table in the main hall of the north room of Dongkua courtyard where Xiaoqian lives now.

However, old Mrs. Wang was left in the main room by Mrs. Qian, and had a table with Mrs. Lin, Widow Zhang and others, while Aunt Wang, Mrs. Feng, Mrs. Jiang, Mrs. Lu were arranged to go to Xikuanyuan.

The old Wang family's mother-in-law and daughter-in-law went to Dongkua courtyard to visit Xiaoqian's mother and son before everyone was seated. After all, today is also the full moon banquet for the eldest son's second son. We are all relatives, so naturally we want to express something.

 Ask for a ticket~
  Thank you in advance~~
(End of this chapter)

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