The charming girl of the farm gate of crossing

Chapter 838 This Kid Is Really Good-Looking

Chapter 838 This Kid Is Really Good-Looking

Old Cui and the Qian family's mother-in-law and daughter-in-law watched Aunt Wang rushing to curry favor with Xiaoqian. Like Xiaoqian, they were all very proud, and they were about to walk sideways when they were pulling two to five to eighty thousand.

Oh, of course, Aunt Wang was indeed flattering Xiaoqian, and no one wronged her.

Although Xiaoqian felt that Aunt Wang's words were nondescript, she didn't think much about it.

In her heart, the eldest son is promising, and she is up to the challenge. She has added a golden grandson to Lao Ye's family, and is the eldest daughter-in-law. She should be a high-ranking existence in Lao Ye's family.

That bastard Ye Laiyin never felt ashamed of not having a son, on the contrary she was very stubborn, that bastard Wang was not as easy to handle as before, and that dead girl was crushing her daughter several times, Xiaoqian was already annoyed I got the second room.

It happened that the second wife had money and lived more comfortably than their first wife. She gritted her teeth with hatred and cursed countless times in her heart.

Hey, I didn't expect it, I never expected it.

That bitch of the Wang family is blind, but her eldest sister is a knowledgeable person, knowing that she will be the head of the old Ye family in the future, so she is rushing to flatter her.

Therefore, she is even more proud~
Little Qian was just enjoying Aunt Wang's courtship so complacently, and the old Cui's mother-in-law and daughter-in-law also had their chins raised high, their eyes hanging above their heads, which annoyed Feng, Jiang, and Lu so much.

The old Mrs. Wang's complexion was not very good-looking, and she was trying to find a way to get away with it, when Mrs. Wang, Mrs. Liu, Mrs. Bai and other daughter-in-laws walked in, chatting and laughing.

"Oh, this kid looks really good-looking."

"Well, I look like Kid Sheng."

"Boy Sheng is not only good-looking, but also talented. This kid is no different."

From Yinshi's busy work to the present, all dishes, steamed, boiled, steamed, braised, roasted, fried, stir-fried, as well as dried fruit cakes, steamed buns and pasta have been prepared, just waiting to slowly Just serve.

The weather is not afraid of cold, and there is no need to heat it at any time.

Under Wang's hospitality, all the daughters-in-law washed their hands, cleaned their faces, and wiped facial ointment.

The big guys are living a tight life, where did they use any good things, seeing Wang's generosity and enthusiasm, everyone couldn't help but smile and said, growing up so big, it's the first time to wipe this kind of seed, it smells better than that of flowers Fragrant, but not easy to wash away.

Everyone laughed and made a fuss, and they went to see the baby together.

Xiao Qian's self-satisfaction naturally became more and more proud, giggling loudly from time to time, the voice was sharp and piercing, not afraid of scaring his youngest son.

The newly built room is very spacious, so many people gather together, and they can still move around. It's just that some people want to get closer to see the children, so it's naturally crowded. Aunt Wang was pushed to the outside without knowing it.

Originally, without being in front of Mrs. Wang, whether she flattered the old Mrs. Qian or the little Mrs. Qian, she had no psychological barriers, and she just opened her mouth to speak nice words. .

But she couldn't face Wang's face. With Wang's presence, she couldn't let go of her figure no matter what, and continued to play tricks.

Moreover, as soon as she saw Wang's people, she was covered with thorns, ready to jump up and stab Wang twice at any time.

She hates that Mrs. Wang is better-looking than her. At first, she thought that marrying better than Mrs. Wang could overwhelm her, but now the old Ye family is in full swing, and life is prosperous. She wants to be famous and rich. The self-righteous sense of superiority is gone, and naturally he is even more jealous.

But my husband wants to marry this relative, and wants her to curry favor with that bitch, you say that Aunt Wang is so awkward in her heart, she really has a lot of entangled intestines.

 Feel sorry:
  Due to family matters, four chapters were updated on August 8rd and 3th, two chapters at 4:[-] and two chapters at [-]:[-] p.m.

  Six or eight chapters resumed from August 8th.

(End of this chapter)

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