The charming girl of the farm gate of crossing

Chapter 839 You Can’t Let Your Guests Eat and Drink Alone

Chapter 839 You Can’t Let Your Guests Eat and Drink Alone
As she watched a group of people crowding around Wang Shi, her eyes turned red first, and her face became distorted with jealousy when she saw what Wang Shi was wearing.

Especially now that she is being squeezed around by people, and her eyes just happened to meet Wang's small-leaf rosewood hairpin, she was so stimulated that she was about to go crazy.

The bottom of my heart roared over and over again, "Why? Why? Why is this bitch better than her?"

But no matter how jealous she is, she is still an old person after all, and she knows that it is not allowed to make trouble in this kind of occasion, even if she says something ugly, otherwise she will be laughed at to death, even if her husband knows that she is making trouble with her cheap talk, She cannot be spared lightly.

So, even though she was holding back her anger and wished she could scratch Huawang's face and take her hairpin away, she could only think about it.

Afterwards, Mrs. Wang, Mrs. Liu, Mrs. Bai, Mrs. Ning and others invited the three sisters-in-law of the old Wang family and Aunt Wang to the main hall of the second room of Xikuayuan. Mrs. Wang invited everyone to accompany her family, and she had to go Dongkua Courtyard takes care of the running water mat.

The old Mrs. Wang was sent to the inner room by the crowd, and the village head's family, Mrs. Lin from Ye Changsheng's family and other old ladies sat with them.

Old Qian's mother-in-law and daughter-in-law were accompanied by the village head's daughter-in-law Kong and Ye Changsheng's daughter-in-law Wu.

The rest of the daughters-in-law consciously greeted the elders in the yard to sit first, and they had to help with the chores and wait for the last to sit.

At noon, Ye Xusheng's wife, Li Chengcai, and the head of Lijia Village and Lizheng came to have a banquet.

Yejia Village, Lijia Village and two other similar villages are all under the jurisdiction of Li Chengzong.

Lizheng in the Ming Dynasty was in charge of household registration and taxation, and rarely interfered with village affairs.

Although Li Zheng was the youngest official in the Ming Dynasty, he was still an official. Besides, the old Ye family had never had any contact with Li Lizheng before. Today, when he suddenly came to the door, Lao Yetou was overjoyed and felt that he had a lot of face.

There were already two tables set up in the main room, one table was for the master, but now Li Lizheng was invited as the guest of honor, and the master as the deputy guest, accompanied by the village chief Ye Changshou, the old Yetou as the assistant, and the old man as the guest of honor. Wang Tou and Qian Dafa also sat at this table.

As soon as everyone was seated, Guan Xiuyuan and Zhang Tieniu also came to the door with congratulatory gifts, and Ye Shitian who was receiving them hurriedly welcomed them into the main room.

It was necessary for everyone to give a polite introduction.

Because Ye Xusheng didn't have a teacher, he didn't reveal Zhang Tieniu's identity to the outside world, but he was tall and strong, with sharp facial features and piercing eyes. Even if he restrained his aura deliberately, it was also because of his imposing manner that he was different from others.

As for the other Guan Xiuyuan, his temperament is completely different from his. He is elegant and handsome, in short, he is a super handsome uncle. If you think about someone who can fascinate He Xiner so much, his image and temperament are naturally outstanding.

Just as everyone was about to take their seats bustlingly, shopkeeper Zhao and Doctor Dou of Huichun Hall also came together, accompanied by Ye Shitian to welcome them into the hall.

Qian Dafa and Cao Dezheng looked at the unusual identities of the guests who came to the door. Although they tried their best to keep calm on the surface, their hearts were already like turbulent waves, and they became more and more determined to hug Lao Ye's family tightly. big tree.

So, everyone took their seats again, and at the main table were Li Zheng, Master, Village Chief Li, Guan Xiuyuan, Zhang Tieniu, Shopkeeper Zhao, Doctor Dou, Village Chief Ye Changshou, and Ye Dahe, Ye Laijin and his father and son.

There are Qian Dafa, Lao Wangtou, Cao Dezheng, three brothers from the Wang family, and four brothers from the Qian family at the deputy table, accompanied by Ye Dayou and Ye Shitian's father and son. The table is a little crowded, so there is no way. Let the guests eat and drink by themselves, without anyone to accompany them.

As for the juniors of Lao Qian's family and the three brothers of Cao's family, they went to eat the flowing water banquet.

(End of this chapter)

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