Chapter 840 What a joke

At two o'clock in the afternoon, brothers Ye Mancang lit the firecrackers hanging on the poplar tree in front of Lao Ye's house.

"Crackling, crackling".

The loud sound of firecrackers was deafening, adding a lot of joy.

A group of hairy children in the village were standing not far away laughing and making a fuss, and the elderly were invited to the table, all of them were delighted from ear to ear.

Those who are not in the queue for the time being are not in a hurry, the left and right meals are the same, there is no difference between eating early and late, a group of people are squatting or standing at the door of Lao Ye's house, talking loudly.

The head of the family, Ye Dahe, first said a few polite words in the main room, made a toast, and then, accompanied by Ye Laijin and Ye Laiyin, thanked the big guys in the yard, and the banquet officially began.

People in the village do not come empty-handed when they come to the banquet, not to mention that it is a child's full moon banquet, and eggs must be brought. As for how many, it depends on each person's affection. six.

There are not many things, they are all thoughts.

Lao Ye's family is really well prepared, roasted whole chicken, roasted rabbit, fried meatballs, fried meat pie, roasted tofu, egg custard, steamed fish, boiled pork slices, braised pork with potatoes, mushroom and pheasant soup, ten hard dishes , the amount is sufficient.

In addition, each table also has a plate of dried fruits, a plate of pastries, a basket of steamed buns with two noodles, and two jars of spirits.

Where have the countrymen seen such a battle?
Don't say this, this, this, let's eat!

The people who ate and drank were beaming, and the waiting people were all smiling, and the furry children ran around the yard happily. It was more lively than the Chinese New Year, and the atmosphere was so hot~
Ye Laiyin took Ye Xusheng and Ye Mancang brothers to take care of the male guest's flowing water table, paying attention to removing new dishes from the table at any time.

Mrs. Wang took a group of daughters-in-law to take care of the running water table for the female guests.

He Xiner, Guan Cuizhi, Ye Yuanyuan, and the young girls Ye Lihua, Ye Daya, Ye Hexiu, etc. who were forced to post were also busy pouring tea and water for the big guys.

Ye Feifeng, who was still acting like a master before, hid back in the house to eat and drink, and Ye Guihua didn't bother to socialize with others, so she stayed in the house with a group of old ladies without showing her head.

The banquet in the Xikuan courtyard has already been bustling. Both Mrs. Liu and Mrs. Bai are on good terms with Mrs. Wang. Naturally, they warmly entertained the old Wang's concubine, oh, along with Aunt Wang's mother and daughter.

Without Mrs. Wang around, Aunt Wang was very relaxed. She chatted happily and stole the limelight from the old Wang family's three sisters-in-law, and hated Mrs. Feng and Mrs. Jiang so much.

A group of women got together, and they were not very familiar with them, and they didn't think much about themselves. They just chatted casually. kid or something.

Aunt Wang took the opportunity to boast about her three sons and daughter. Although she didn't say anything clearly, but other people are not stupid. Seeing that she was stepping on Wang's self-improvement, she felt a little bit Displeased.

Especially Liu Shi and Bai Shi, the smiles on their faces faded immediately, and their attitudes were obviously alienated.

Although the four sisters-in-law of Ning's family wanted to take advantage of the big house, they fought back and forth at home, and even provoked old Yuan's a few words when they had time, but outside, especially in Ye Laiyin's house, Still take the Bai family as the vane.

The eldest brother and sister-in-law have close friendships with Ye Laiyin and Wang's couple. Without the relationship between elder brother and sister-in-law, there would be no good life for their family. Everything related to Ye Laiyin's family would naturally be Look at the face of the eldest brother and sister-in-law to act.

What a joke, who does this fat man think he is?
If it wasn't for Mrs. Wang, who would care about which pickle you are?
Soon, Aunt Wang also found herself isolated.

 Ask for a ticket~
  Thank you in advance~
(End of this chapter)

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