The charming girl of the farm gate of crossing

Chapter 841 This girl is too frivolous

Chapter 841 This girl is too frivolous

The accompanying guests, Mrs. Liu, Mrs. Bai and others had a happy chat with Mrs. Feng, Mrs. Jiang and Mrs. Lu, but they just casually dealt with what they said to her.

But if you say that she is not enthusiastic, she smiles quite politely, there is no cold face, no black face, and it is not easy to find fault, but she is the person involved, and the feeling of being isolated is most clear in her heart.

Aunt Wang was secretly angry, thinking that it was Wang who deliberately made people look bad to her, and deliberately made her lose face.

That bitch!

I can't wait to scratch her face!

The left hand under the table was tightly clenched, and due to excessive force, the nails dug deeply into the flesh, and the tingling sensation came, and Aunt Wang regained some sense.

Waiting for my Xinlan to marry into Lao Ye's family, let's settle the account slowly!
That kid is the grandson of Lao Ye's parents, and he is capable. In the future, everything in Lao Ye's family will belong to the big house, and the dead bitch will be kicked out in the future!

She glanced darkly at the furnishings in the room, her triangular eyes were full of calculations, a big house fight in which the long house crushed the second house, went through her mind again, um, finally she felt at ease.

Hey, I've been thinking about it for a while, but I just didn't think that Lao Ye's family would let her daughter in~
Cao Xinlan, who had been kept by Aunt Wang's side for a long time, was dazzled by all kinds of furniture and decorations when she entered Wang's house, and felt very uncomfortable.

This Second Aunt Laoshizi is more dignified than the "mother-in-law" house, which is really embarrassing.

But there is no rush, it won't be too late to tidy up the second room after she passes the door.

Speaking of which, since she entered the gate of Lao Ye's house, she hasn't seen her big cousin yet. The house of Lao Ye's house is really big, and there are people everywhere in this yard and that yard, so she didn't see her big cousin. .

After filling her stomach with all kinds of nonsense, Cao Xinlan wanted to talk to Ye Xusheng in a whisper, she leaned into her mother's ear and said that she was going to go to the toilet, and then she went out of the house, and first walked around the newly built pool and gazebo enviously. After a few laps, I went to the front yard alone.

Seeing Ye Xusheng coming out of the backyard chatting and laughing with everyone across the table, Cao Xinlan immediately cheered up, straightened her clothes with a blushing face, touched the silk flowers on her hair bag, um, Sure enough, she just wanted to appear in front of her eldest cousin in the most beautiful state.

Squeezing her fat body, Cao Xinlan felt that she was enchanting, but actually walked towards Ye Xusheng with trembling steps. At this time, she only had eyes for the person she liked, and she automatically blocked everyone else.

"Big cousin, I've been looking for you for a long time~"

This delicate and watery voice, this coquettish and reproachful tone, coupled with a big pancake face and mung bean eyes, really make people accept incompetence.

Ye Mancang pounded Ye Xusheng with his elbow, and asked with his eyes, "What's going on?"

"Hello, cousin Cao."

Frowning lightly, Ye Xusheng's face was flat, and his cold voice also carried an indescribable alienation.

Ye Mancang next to him immediately understood the identity of the visitor, it turned out to be a girl from the second aunt's family.

"I've said it all, it's good for big cousin to call me Xinlan, why is big cousin always so good-natured?"

Cao Xinlan twisted her thick bucket waist, looked at Ye Xusheng shyly, her mung bean-sized eyes were full of love and obsession.

Ye Mancang frowned.

Isn't this girl too frivolous?
Sheng boy is a talented person with both civil and military skills, and his future is limitless. How could she, an ugly and fat girl, think about it?
"Xusheng, let's go, go to the main room to see if you want more tea."


Ye Xusheng was annoyed a long time ago, so he responded casually, and the two walked away, but Cao Xinlan's fat body blocked the way.

"Who are you? Why do you instruct big cousin to work? Do the work yourself! Big cousin will be an official in the future, how can you be summoned by your muddy legs?"

(End of this chapter)

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