Chapter 842

Ye Mancang...

Where did this neuropathy come from!
He almost laughed at him angrily, "Hey~ who are you? Does who I am have anything to do with you? Does my love to instigate Sheng have anything to do with you? Are you really meddling with your own business?"

"How dare you call me a dog!"

Putting on airs and posing the score did not scare the other party, but was ridiculed by cold words, Cao Xinlan was furious, stretched out a fat hand like a carrot, pointed at Ye Mancang's nose and cursed, "You bastard..."

"Cousin Cao respects herself!"

The clear voice was neither harsh nor roaring, but it made Cao Xinlan stop suddenly, and swallowed the scolding that reached her throat, almost choking her to death.

"Cough, cough..."

Why couldn't she hold back, big cousin wouldn't think she was a bad temper, right?
"Big cousin, I have a very good temper. I saw him bullying big cousin just now, and I couldn't hold back for a while..."

"I don't know where the big hall brother bullied me?"

Ye Xusheng retorted lightly, without looking at her, turned around, raised his legs and left.

In his opinion, such an attitude is obvious enough. After all, the girl's family is visiting the house, so it can't be too much.

However, he still underestimated the opponent.

"Big cousin, we haven't whispered yet, don't go~"

It was not easy to see her sweetheart, Cao Xinlan couldn't let him go like this, she twisted her fat waist to change direction, and then threw herself on Ye Xusheng, trying to hug his arm.

Hearing something strange behind him, Ye Xusheng quickly twisted his body and turned twice to the right to dodge, and Ye Mancang had annoyed Cao Xinlan a long time ago, and because of today's happy day, he could bear her only if he didn't want to make trouble. If he is shameless, why is he being polite?

"Ah! Wow..."

Just when Cao Xinlan was persistently trying to pester Ye Xusheng, Ye Mancang unceremoniously kicked her to the ground, and immediately fell on her back, her strong body knocked against the bluestone bricks, causing her to scream in pain .

They were not far from the aisle leading to the front yard from the backyard, and there was still some distance from the seats in the front yard. There was an east wing blocking the view, and no one saw the scene here. Some people's attention.

Why do you say some people?

Because the whole Lao Ye's house was clamoring, it was a bit more lively than the market, and those who were a little further away might not be able to hear the sound.

What's more, the furry children in the village chased each other in various yards, and often fell and cried. Everyone was used to it, and they still ate and drank happily, so they didn't mind their own business.

"Big cousin, he bullied me, you beat him for me!"

It was the first time for Cao Xinlan to suffer such a big loss since she was a child, she was so annoyed that she wished to tear her apart, but she didn't want her sweetheart to see her sloppy appearance, so she pursed her thick mouth and complained coquettishly.

"Cousin Cao, watch the road carefully, don't fall again."

Throwing down a word coldly, Ye Xusheng and Ye Mancang shook hands and left.

Cao Xinlan was left lying on the cold brick floor, her eyes widened in disbelief, she was obviously kicked down by someone, how could the eldest cousin say she fell down by herself?

That's right, the big cousin didn't see it just now, it was just that she didn't see the way and fell, um, don't blame the big cousin.

The eldest cousin specifically asked her to watch the road carefully, and still cared about her~
Damn it is that dead mud leg!

Cursing, she got up from the ground and patted her body. When she was about to chase after the person she liked, she saw Ye Xusheng in front of her entering the main room. Thinking that her father was also inside, Cao Xinlan didn't dare to go in, so she had to go back to find her mother angrily.

At this time, the seats in the Xikua courtyard have been withdrawn, tea has been brewed again, and everyone is drinking water and gossiping.

 Ask for a ticket~
  Thank you in advance~~
(End of this chapter)

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