Chapter 843

Cao Xinlan was full of grievances and had nowhere to complain, and she threw herself into her mother's arms crying, regardless of whether it was appropriate or not in front of so many people.

Because her body was too strong and she had a burst of momentum, she knocked Aunt Wang so hard that she fell back on the stool. Fortunately, Bai Shi and Ning Shi beside her reacted quickly and quickly reached out to grab her.

This is also when the person started to sway, and the two of them moved swiftly. If the angle of inclination was too large, with the tonnage of their mothers, Bai and Ning would be directly smashed down, let alone trying to catch people.

In any case, the man was brought back, and the mother and wife panicked before gradually calming down.

Perhaps in front of everyone, she was a little ashamed by her daughter Menglang's actions, so Aunt Wang turned black and scolded in a low voice, "What are you doing so frizzy?"


Originally she asked her mother to help her vent her anger, but she was reprimanded. Cao Xinlan felt even more wronged, and burst into tears with her mouth wide open.

Liu Shi, Bai Shi and others looked at each other, Feng Shi, Jiang Shi, and Lu Shi felt their faces were burning hot. Such a big girl cried like an idiot, and she didn't want any face. It's really embarrassing~
Aunt Wang was angry and annoyed, her fat face was flushed red, but she couldn't scold her in front of everyone, and seeing her crying like this, she might be wronged by love, so she patiently A few words of coaxing.

Cao Xinlan has been spoiled by her mother for a long time, and her three older brothers have given way to her so much that she is even more self-centered. How can she care what others think or think?
Immediately, he was sobbing and learned the things, and at the end he scolded fiercely, "Big cousin called that muddy leg to be the lobby brother. He is tall and strong, with a dark face and eyes like the king of Hades, mother! The three elder brothers beat him up and let me out."

Bai ...

If she guessed correctly, the muddy leg in this fat girl's mouth is her son.

Liu Shi, Ning Shi and others also guessed that she was talking about Ye Mancang, and the expressions on their faces were simply brilliant.

"Hey, the men of our old Ye's family are all serious farmers, so they are naturally mud-legged. Could it be that your old Cao's family is not a big family?"

Ding could not get used to these two girls for a long time, and seeing this fat girl swearing at her nephew with muddy legs and dead things, she was even more annoyed, and couldn't help but scratch her immediately.

"I'm scolding that muddy leg, what's the matter with you?"

Hey, the dead girl is really cruel!
No need for Bai's to say anything, Ning's sister-in-law sneered and began to scold Huai with sarcasm.

The few people have always been provocative, and they all have as many minds as a sieve. Now they will join forces to hate Aunt Wang and his wife with one sentence. The cooperation is perfect, and Aunt Wang can't get in the way.

Aunt Wang was so annoyed that she blushed and was fat, panting heavily.

It is unreasonable for her to come here today as a guest, but to be ridiculed like this.

It's just that she wasn't completely stupid. After listening to it, she finally figured out what was going on. Her daughter scolded her son and nephew in front of her mother and aunt, so she was happy.

Moreover, what does that mean? The Mancang boy has a good relationship with the old Ye family boy. This dead girl is just a careless girl. She has offended such an important relative before she is married. How will she get along with her in the future?
As for what her daughter said about the other party kicking her to the ground, she didn't really believe it. In today's day, and her daughter is a doll, anyone who knows something can't do it. things come.

The girl usually complained to her three brothers, making up nonsense...

With this, Aunt Wang couldn't sit still, she pulled the corner of her mouth and found an excuse to lead her daughter out of the house.

Bai Shi and Liu Shi pretended to be stupid and dumbfounded and ignored them, and continued to chat with Wang's sister-in-law politely.

(End of this chapter)

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