The charming girl of the farm gate of crossing

Chapter 844 Who dares to say nothing

Chapter 844 Who dares to gossip
The pavilion on the west side of the courtyard is located in the southwest corner of the entire courtyard. It is built beside the fish pond. The four-corner pavilion with pine columns and thatched roof is not luxurious, but very simple, giving people a sense of returning to nature and simplicity.

A set of tables and stools was originally designed to be placed in the middle of the pavilion, but it is not ready yet.

Aunt Wang pulled Cao Xinlan to sit on the guardrail, and taught her a lesson about hating iron but not steel. She offends people for no reason, and she is also a close cousin of Boy Sheng. What does Boy Sheng think?
Isn't it stupid to offend the relatives of the husband's family before entering the door?
No matter how the daughter complained, she didn't care about it, she just followed her own train of thought, and explained the truth to her daughter bit by bit. Finally, Cao Xinlan bowed her head and admitted her mistake, and she was a little relieved.

"Hmph, these people don't take our old Cao's family seriously because of their close relationship with the old Ye family. Sooner or later, they will regret it one day!"

Thinking of the attitude of Ning and the others, Aunt Wang couldn't vent her resentment, so she could only grit her teeth and speak harshly.

"Mother, don't worry, when I become the eldest daughter-in-law of Lao Ye's family, I will definitely drive those shit relatives away, and let my mother take this bad breath out."

"That's the reason. These people who come to fight the autumn wind have such big faces. They almost regard themselves as half masters. Hmph! They are also worthy!"

Just like that, the couple made up their minds, and before Cao Xinlan entered the door, they had to endure it for a while. Who told him to be close to Lao Ye's family? Before the marriage was completed, they must not offend.

But, wait for my daughter (myself) to enter the door, and then come to settle the account with them.

The couple scolded heartily, stroked the pillars of the arbor enviously, and looked forward to the good life in the future. The more they talked, the happier they were, as if the dream had come true. Not to mention how excited.

Cao Xinlan's blood boiled with excitement, and she bluntly said that today is the day of great joy for the old Ye family, and when the old Ye family is happy, the two of them settled their marriage, wouldn't it be more joyful?

"Mother, hurry up and find Dad, and tell Dad to propose marriage to Grandpa Ye."

From the bottom of her heart, Cao Xinlan is still afraid of her father, but she firmly believes in her father's ability, as long as her father wants to do, there is nothing impossible.

This remark made the excited Aunt Wang calm down for a while, frowned and thought for a moment, and said, "It is always the man who proposes marriage. If your father proposes marriage for you personally, others will take it lightly. This matter has to be taken slowly." Plan it out."

Seeing that her mother backed off, Cao Xinlan was burning with anxiety, "Why does mother care what other people think? When I marry my eldest cousin, the snobbish ones will only be sycophants. Who dares to gossip?"

Aunt Wang naturally agreed with her daughter's words, but she is also a very old person after all, not as simple-minded as her daughter.

Coupled with the words that my husband-in-law instructed thousands of times, they were deeply engraved in my mind, and I didn't dare to make up my own mind for a while.

She knows better than anyone what kind of temperament her husband is.

Just imagine, a group of gentlemen were drinking and talking in the main room, and she, a woman, called her husband aside carelessly and told him how to do things. Where would the husband's face be put?
Speaking of which, the husband wants to facilitate this marriage more than the two of them, so naturally he has a plan in his mind. My husband is quick-witted and good at calculating, so he doesn't need her to dictate.

Just like that, after a lot of thoughtful thinking, and patiently coaxing the impatient daughter, the mother and daughter happily went to flatter Xiaoqian.

Passing by the Dongkua courtyard, he turned a blind eye to the busy Wang in the courtyard, and even ignored him.

Old Cui's group naturally cleared the table early, drank tea and gossiped, seeing her mother and his wife rushing over to flatter them again, they all had disdain on their faces.

 Ask for a ticket~
  Thank you in advance~~
(End of this chapter)

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