The charming girl of the farm gate of crossing

Chapter 845 I really gave birth to a pair of cheap bones

Chapter 845 What a Bitch
Aunt Wang wanted to pursue this marriage in her heart, she didn't care about everyone's contemptuous attitude, and she believed in her heart that Xiao Qian's family is the future official old lady, so she should be a high-ranking existence, and the old Qian's family belongs to Ye Xusheng Even if you are a foreigner, you should be more generous.

His status is not ordinary, it is not comparable to those mud legs who have made good friends with the Wang family.

Just like that, she tried her best to flatter this and flatter those who were in harmony with each other, and she actually enjoyed it and couldn't extricate herself.

What a cheap bone!

And although Cao Xinlan really wanted to whisper something to her sweetheart, she didn't dare to break into the main room to drag her, so she could only put all her thoughts on pleasing her future mother-in-law, and coaxed little Qian with her delicate voice. Very comfortable.

At this time, Cao Dezheng in the main room heard that Li was mentioning his granddaughter, and after Village Chief Li and Mrs. Li mentioned their own daughter, their fiery hearts immediately cooled down by half.

The other Qian Dafa, who was listening to the conversation at the next table with his ears pricked up, was shocked and his eyes lighted up.

The two generations of in-laws of Lao Qian's family and Lao Ye's family, if there is another marriage, wouldn't it be more intimate?
Everyone was harmonious on the surface but had different thoughts, and they talked happily until Shen Shi left happily.

The running water feast in the village was not over yet, and Wang was so busy talking about it that she didn't bother to talk to her mother about herself, so she was naturally reluctant to part with her.

"Seeing that you have a good life, my mother can rest assured."

"Today is such a grand occasion, there are so many things to do, mother knows, don't send it away, come back quickly."

He Xiner and Wang Jinling followed Mrs. Wang to the entrance of the alley. The old Mrs. Wang patted her daughter's hand and smiled kindly.

"After I've been busy for a while, I'll take the two girls to see my mother."

"Okay, okay, bring Dabai too."

This made everyone laugh, and He Xiner hurriedly responded with a smile.

The Cao family and the Wang family came to the door together, and they naturally left together.

Aunt Wang was annoyed long ago when she watched her mother lift up Mrs. Wang, but seeing them talking lively, her face turned black with anger, she grabbed her daughter's fat hand, and walked out of the village with wind .

Cao Xinlan was still thinking about her sweetheart, and looked back frequently, hoping that Ye Xusheng would come to see her off suddenly, but she was dragged by her mother staggeringly, and almost fell several times.

Brothers Cao Daxing and Cao Erwang looked at the two families and Helele's, and ignored him, Cao's family, and their faces were not very good-looking.

However, Cao Dezheng smiled very kindly, he didn't feel embarrassed at all.

As for what he was thinking, no one knew.

Cao Sanxi lowered her head slightly, except for the occasional glance at He Xiner, she was indifferent to other things.

When the two families went out, Ye Xusheng found an excuse to hide, and only brothers Ye Laijin, Ye Laiyin, and Ye Shitian sent them outside the gate. Because there were many things at home, they went back to work early.

This time, there were only three Wang's mothers, who refused to go back without saying anything, and went straight to the village entrance to watch everyone go away before returning home with a smile.

The running water seats in Lao Ye's house did not end until You hour.

A group of daughter-in-laws took the initiative to help clean up, plus Ye Mancang, Ye Xusheng and other brothers, with sufficient manpower, and the work was done quickly. It only took an hour, and everything was tidy inside and out.

So far, this bustling water banquet has come to a perfect conclusion.

All the people who attended the banquet, no matter male or female or young or old, all praised Lao Ye's house for its openness and grandeur, and he really paid attention to others.

Although the banquet was over, the excitement of the villagers did not pass, and they thought about it from time to time, which was a bit unfinished, and they hoped that one day Ye Xusheng would be selected as a scholar, and the old Ye family would invite him again.

I didn't eat enough~
On the contrary, after experiencing the hustle and bustle of the whole day, Lao Ye's family was quite calm, doing what they should do.

(End of this chapter)

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