Chapter 848 This is a match

Talking about the most famous Iceman in Pinning Town is pure flattery.

In order to say a good marriage to her eldest grandson, Widow Zhang was really willing to let go of her old face. She grabbed the yellow matchmaker's arm, dragged him out of the crowd half-supported and half-dragged, and said smugly non-stop:

"Sister Huang, tell me, what's the situation at the woman's house?"

At this meeting, all the other matchmakers were surrounded by everyone, and the scene was chaotic, and no one cared about who was coming.

Widow Zhang thought she had convinced the yellow matchmaker, so she couldn't wait to make a call.

"The woman's family has a house and a few shops in the town. They are engaged in the grain and oil business. The girl has three older brothers. The whole family loves her. She was really spoiled and raised. Although the housework is difficult, the female celebrity is Excellent..."

The yellow matchmaker stood still with a blank expression on his face, while the widow Zhang was almost obsessed with hearing it, and forgot to move.

Before the other party finished speaking, she asked with a trembling voice, "What about the dowry? How much is the dowry from their family?"

"A shop, ten acres of fertile land, jewelry, and silver at the bottom of the box are not counted."

"Good, good, good! This condition is good!"

Widow Zhang danced with excitement, her old face was flushed with excitement, and she looked a little crazy.

The other party gave her a cold look, turned around and left. Just after walking two feet away, Widow Zhang grabbed her arm, "Good girl, let's go home and discuss the matter of getting married."

"Is this a match?"

"That's natural. Where can I find such good conditions?"

"Hehe, the conditions are good, that's why I was asked to tell Ye Tongsheng, who built a big house with his family."

"K-Ke Sheng, don't you want to study?"

"So what? Miss Jiao, who is like a flower bone, with so much dowry, can't find a well-matched offspring, so she insists on marrying into your house and living in a shabby yellow and muddy house?"

"you you……"

Widow Zhang was so angry that she was trembling with such sneering and ridiculing in person, and she dared not offend the matchmaker when she was about to swear.

If you offend them, you may be corrupted behind the scenes, and it will be difficult for the boys in the family to talk about a good marriage.

Although the old Yetou refused the matchmaker's offer of marriage, his attitude was still very kind, and he even entertained everyone with pastries.

The yellow matchmaker and the others were in low spirits because they didn't talk about a good marriage and couldn't get a big benefit, but they didn't have a problem with Lao Ye's family.

Speaking of which, if Widow Zhang hadn't been pestering her repeatedly, she wouldn't be so angry with her.

In this era, the most important thing is family rightness. What is your family like? Don't you have any clues?
Dare to miss other people's dowry!
The yellow matchmaker was also annoyed by her, she said earlier that there was still something to do, but Widow Zhang insisted on dragging and dragging her to death, until she vomited until the other party deliberately humiliated her, but she could only stare blankly.

In other words, the old Ye family is now well-known, and Ye Xusheng is a good-looking talent with a bright future. How can he invite a matchmaker with such great fanfare if he is not well-qualified?
So these few matchmakers are not willing to deal with these poor ghosts at all, but some people don't know what to do and stalk them, and finally annoy each other. They stared and bared, and then they left together.

This battle was quite noisy, you passed on me and I passed on you, and there was an uproar, and some people who had been angry secretly made a few sour words, and they were limited to sour words, but there was no Have the guts to speak ill of Lao Ye's family.

Back then, because of a few wild fruits, the villagers besieged Lao Ye's house like crazy. At that time, the old Ye Touye and the others saved their breath.

Therefore, taking advantage of the fact that his eldest grandson had won the boy's test, Lao Yetou held a running water banquet with great fanfare, with the meaning of elation, and also took the opportunity to tell everyone that Lao Ye's family is not what it used to be.

Well, the effect is not bad~
 Ask for a ticket~
  Thank you in advance~~
(End of this chapter)

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