Chapter 849

In any case, Ye Xusheng's marriage is set in this way, no matter you are a matchmaker or a relative, as long as there is a match, the old Ye family will use this set of arguments.

Gradually, the number of people rushing to say goodbye gradually decreased.

So, what should everyone do?

Today, the old Yetou masters didn't bother to go to Ye Shitian's house to help, because the potatoes at home were going to be unearthed, and the three masters were digging them with hoes in front, and Mrs. Wang brought He Xin'er and Wang Jinling to pick them up in the back. Potato.

Except for Ye Xusheng who was in school, old Qian and his daughter were hiding in the house to pick up beans, little Qian made an excuse to coax the children, and Ye Feifeng was going to wash diapers by the river. In short, there was no time to work.

The Wangs don't care about others, they don't get tired doing some chores, there's no need to fuss about little things, Wang Jinling is a restless person, and it's quite a sense of accomplishment to be able to help.

The three of them were all wearing neat clothes and coarse gloves, not afraid of getting their hands dirty, they picked up the potatoes while brushing off the dirt on them, and then carefully put them into the bamboo frame.

Fresh potatoes are easy to break the skin, so you have to be careful, otherwise the skin will be scratched and the appearance will be ugly.

This vegetable garden is about two acres, and the vegetable shed only occupies half of the area. However, potatoes are a high-yielding crop, and the old Ye Touye is also attentive to the crops, and the harvest is quite good now.

The people worked hard for three days before clearing the seedlings and planing all the potatoes. The bamboo frames and baskets in the house were already full, but there were so many potatoes that most of them could only be piled on the ground. .

Although Ye Shitian's family was building a house, his family had a lot of work and strength, and it only took two days to complete the harvest.

Since there are too many potatoes, it is difficult to calculate the yield per mu for a while, but everyone is very happy looking at the potatoes piled up like small hills.

The unearthed potatoes should not be exposed to the sun. Fortunately, the vegetable shed can provide shade, and there are vents for ventilation. However, the weather is getting hotter and hotter. At noon, the temperature in the vegetable shed is really not low, and the potatoes dare not be kept for a long time.

So, when I went to the town to deliver bean sprouts, I brought a few baskets of potatoes to explore the market.

The first one to go was of course Taifeng Building. When Guan Xiuyuan, Zhou Biban and several chefs saw the bright yellow fresh potatoes, they couldn't believe it.

Isn't it time to plant potatoes?

What method did Lao Ye's family use to make it grow so big in a few days?

Just kidding.

People must have their own methods, but it's not easy to ask casually.

The potatoes grown by Lao Ye’s family were big and fresh, and Zhou Biai made a decision immediately, and the price was the same as that of bean sprouts, three yuan per catty, and two hundred catties would be delivered every day. If it was not enough, more could be added at any time.

The price does not sound high, but in fact it is not low at all. Vegetables like potatoes and cabbage are not worth much. The normal market price is basically two or three catties for one penny.

Ye Laiyin and Ye Shitian had no quarrel, and happily weighed out two hundred catties, settled the money, and sold the remaining potatoes to several big families at the same price.

When it comes to the business of Taifeng Building, the two brothers are not guilty when it comes to the price, and those few companies are not short of money, and the management is also discerning, and the money is very happy.

It was almost noon when the two brothers left Pingning Town because of the delay in negotiating the potato business. Ye Laiyin cracked the bullwhip, urging the big yellow cow to hurry up.

"Your house hasn't been built yet, and you can't do everything without you. Don't follow me tomorrow, and it's the same with me delivering food myself."

"There are so many things, it's inconvenient for you to move them by yourself. Besides, there is so much money in the sky, you need a companion. Tomorrow, I will ask Mancang to deliver the goods to you."

Speaking of which, Ye Shitian was busy building a house at home, and there were many things waiting for him to make up his mind, but Ye Mancang couldn't leave. He and his brothers had to watch everything inside and out.

Ye Laiyin's house was built thanks to the nine brothers Ye Mancang. He knew it well, so he naturally disagreed with the other party's proposal.

(End of this chapter)

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