Chapter 850

"Hey, I've been busy this spring, and now I can't spare any manpower to deliver a dish."

The two insisted on their own opinions, and they didn't understand each other for a while, Ye Shitian suddenly felt very emotional, his tone seemed to be complaining, but he was smiling all over his face.

The vegetable garden at home was vacant, so we had to hurry up and dig the land, and because the house was being built, there was a lot of work, and Ye Shitian brothers were all busy, so busy that they didn't touch the ground every day.

As for the old Ye family, there are also three things. The vegetable garden must be cleaned up, and the main house must be cleaned up as soon as possible, so that manpower can be arranged for demolition.

If I want to finish building the house before harvesting the wheat, I can’t wait until Ye Shitian’s building is completed before starting construction. There are a lot of people in the left and right villages, so choose some young and strong men, and then invite two masters to lead them to strive for the best Built fast.


Ye Laiyin glanced at Ye Shitian with a smile that was not a smile, "In the past years, I was free, and it was difficult to find a job in winter. I could only stay at home and eat two meals of muddled porridge. In spring, I went to the field to weed weeds. If you don’t get it, you don’t have money to spend~”

"Haha, are you hitting me, old boy?"

Ye Shitian giggled and turned around and gave Ye Laiyin a heads up, very childish.

"Oh, a man of his age, but he still slaps his forehead!"

"Who made you owe it, old boy!"

"Haha, I owe it, I owe it, okay?"

"I owe a little, but I'm telling the truth, haha..."

The two looked at each other and laughed, very happy.

"There are too many things to do, and I don't have time to weigh all the potatoes. I always feel that I don't have enough energy to count."

Although Lao Ye's family also grew potatoes before, they didn't have many, only enough for their own food, so they didn't care about the yield per mu. Now, looking at the piles of potatoes, Ye Laiyin felt itchy in his heart, eager to know the specific number .

"The second and third sons set aside a portion of potatoes for weighing..."

"how many?"

Ye Laiyin's eyes widened, his face was full of anticipation, and he fixedly looked at the other party, afraid that he might miss a word.

"you guess!"

"Fuck you, say it."

"Hey, I'm not kidding you, a lot of potatoes, 230 catties."

Ye Laiyin opened his mouth in surprise, and said after a long time, "This thing is much more cost-effective than growing wheat and corn!"

"Who doesn't say it, the output of this thing is really not low."

"One cent of land is 230 catties, one mu of land is [-] catties, and three pennies per catty..."

The number was a bit big, Ye Laiyin pinched his fingers and counted back and forth, but couldn't figure out a specific number for a while.

"Hey, I'm about to lose my mind~"

"It's a few taels of silver anyway. Although it's not as good as Suanhuang, it's not bad. In the past, our buddies didn't even touch a tael of silver."

"That's the reason, as long as there is money to earn, no matter how much it is, you should be satisfied."

So, the two brothers don't have to make things difficult for themselves, if they can't figure it out, it's okay if they can't figure it out, anyway, the money can't escape.

When they got home and talked about the price, Lao Yetou and Ye Laijin were also very happy. Potatoes are easy to handle and not tiring. You can easily earn a few taels of silver, isn't it worth being happy .

Because the two families are busy, Ye Laiyin can only go to the town by himself for the next delivery. No matter whether it is Taifeng Building or those big families, everyone is familiar with it, so it is natural to see him alone. It's not tiring to move around.

It's just that Ye Shitian was worried about him, fearing that someone would try to trick him, but Dabai provided meat for the two families, and had to go up the mountain to hunt every day, so he couldn't accompany him to protect him.

"Boss, keep your heart in your stomach, and you'll be fine. This road is going crazy, when did something go wrong?"

Ye Laiyin was used to running back and forth, so he didn't think it was dangerous.

In order to let the boss not worry blindly, he deliberately joked with him with a smile, like a hippie smiling boy Lai.

 Ask for a ticket~
  Thank you in advance~~
(End of this chapter)

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