Chapter 851
Thinking about it, this is also the case. Since the business with Taifeng Building, it has been running to the town for nothing, and there is nothing wrong with it.

"That's all right, you should be careful."

Ye Laiyin joked with him that when he left the town, he drove the big ox with a whip.

He himself may not believe what he said, who doesn't know that his father loves the big scalper and is never willing to beat it?
"You can brag!"

"Ha ha……"

Old Yetou had long thought of renovating the main house, and now that the west wing can be used for people, he couldn't wait for a while, so he directed the people to clean up the house, and hired the twenty strong men who had dug the pool to be helpers, which took most of the day. The main house was demolished and cleaned.

It’s just that the main room was so scraped away that the kitchen facing away from the main room was exposed. No matter how old Yetou looked at it, he felt awkward, so he simply dismantled the kitchen and rebuilt it, and then reorganized the backyard by the way.

The original pigsty was dismantled, and then Haosheng built a luxurious room for the big yellow cattle. Hey, it was actually a sturdy cowshed. The previous one was a little simpler.

The chicken coop was moved to the northwest corner, and there were a total of six hens, and a small area was fenced with a fence, which was enough for them to move around.

Two warehouses are built in the southeast corner to store sundries and farm tools.

The latrine was rebuilt against the wall of the north courtyard, instead of the previous method of digging deep pits and burying large tanks. The villagers used this method to accumulate excrement and use it to fertilize the village.

Just to be honest, those things are piled up together, not to mention the stench, there are only two wooden boards placed on the top of the big tank, if you don't take extreme care, there is a real danger of falling into it.

Uh ~
to disgasing!
So, taking advantage of tidying up the backyard this time, He Xiner promptly asked his father to rebuild the latrine, and simply drew a design drawing for his father to show to the four teachers.

Although she draws simply and doesn't have serious proportions, it is clear at a glance, and the four masters even said that there is no problem.

Just like that, two new latrines with small roofs were built next to the north wall. Only the appearance looks clean. When you enter the inside, the floor is paved with bluestone bricks, and a big water-filled latrine is placed in the corner. The pot and the squatting pit for going to the toilet are smooth ceramics, which are custom-made.

To solve the physiological problem, just scoop up a ladle of water to flush the waste into the septic tank separated by a wall along the drain of the squatting pit.

In this way, while the toilet environment is greatly improved, the accumulation of fertilizer is not delayed.

Finally solved a big problem, He Xiner was in a good mood, even though she was so busy every day, she was still happy.

The busy days flew by, and soon, the five brick and tile main rooms and three kitchens of Lao Ye's house were all completed.

Originally, He Xiner's previous house was reserved for wild fruits, but now it seems that it does not match the overall environment, Ye Laiyin waved his hand, demolished and rebuilt two brick houses.

After a few days, Lao Yetou and Lao Qian moved back to live in the main house, but Ye Guihua occupied five rooms in the west wing by herself.

The big house also moved back to the newly built east wing room from the East Kua Courtyard, Ye Xusheng moved into the North Room of the East Kua Courtyard, and the previous house was demolished.

So far, the old Ye family mansion has been completely built, and there is not a single old house that is new and grand, and there is no one in the entire Ye family village that is not envious.

And Ye Shitian's house was tidied up. The courtyard house that we entered didn't take up too much land in the countryside, and it was just a brand new brick and tile house, which was enough to make people greedy.

There are five main rooms, five east rooms, three west rooms, and two inverted rooms for kitchens. There is a small toilet in the southwest corner of the courtyard wall, which was built according to He Xiner's design.

The copper-ring mahogany gate is the same as Lao Ye’s house, and there are places for planting flowers under the windows of the east and west wing rooms, but there is no flower bed at the gate, and the yard is also paved with bluestone bricks, which is clean and refreshing.

Before Ye Shitian's family moved into their new home, people who came to propose marriage broke through the threshold. Matchmakers and relatives bombarded Bai's ears one after another. Everyone was so enthusiastic that Bai could barely stand it.

(End of this chapter)

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