The charming girl of the farm gate of crossing

Chapter 863 Our birthdays are very similar

Chapter 863 Our birthdays are very similar
May nineteenth.

He Xiner was stunned, a little lost in thought.

Ye Xusheng accompanied her quietly without opening his mouth.

"Lord Brother~"


The two looked at each other, and He Xiner suddenly blinked at him, and smiled sweetly, "Brother Hall gave me a gift, no matter what it is, I like it, the only thing is that it must be made by you."

Seeing her with high interest, Ye Xuxu was also in a happy mood, the corners of his lips were raised high, and his handsome eyes smiled, "Aren't you afraid that big brother is clumsy and makes ugly things?"

"You can show your sincerity by doing it yourself. When it's your birthday, I'll also make a gift for you. At that time, you just don't think things are ugly."

"The things that Xin'er makes with her own hands, big brother only has a rare share, how can I dislike them?"

"Well, when is the eldest brother's birthday?"

"The ninth day of June."

"Hey, our birthdays are very close~"


Having settled this matter, He Xiner calmed down and stopped thinking about it. She continued to write her little story. Although she was curious about the Legend of the Condor Heroes, she didn't know how far she had written, but she was very busy. , it is better not to speak.

This year's government examination hall brother did not participate, so it may be said that he will definitely participate next year.

The scholar test is also a big pass for scholars. How many scholars have spent their entire lives in the test without being a scholar, otherwise there would be no such thing as an old boy.

Nao Shizi's novels, of course, cannot be compared with the future of the big cousin.

Since the building of the house, the two have been in tact. He Xiner never saw the hall brother show kung fu again. She only thought that the hall brother put the Legend of the Condor Heroes on hold, so she didn't press her to ask, so as not to disturb his study.

In fact, recently, because of this book, Ye Xusheng has spent a lot of time thinking, discussing with Zhang Tieniu and Zhang Dongqiang all kinds of kung fu with different names, and even exchanging ideas from time to time.

Xin'er can be regarded as a difficult problem for him, designing such a thin and generous story frame...

Due to the slow progress, Ye Xusheng felt embarrassed and did not take the initiative to mention this.

Just like that, the two of them avoided the topic tacitly.

In the days that followed, He Xiner continued to write her little stories. She just wanted to let her cousin know more new words, and she didn't show it to outsiders. Even if she was childish, no one would laugh at her. Instead, the three little sisters were very rare. , she became more energetic.

Speaking of the three old Yetou masters, they were busy chattering in the vegetable garden and making changes.

In the hot weather, although the three masters wore straw hats to shade them, they were all tanned.

Mrs. Wang learned how to make herbal tea from her daughter. Every day, she boiled two large pots. After cooling down, she filled a large pot for the masters, and then put them in a bamboo basket with the tea bowl, and put them on the ground for the masters. Afraid of falling into the dust, they deliberately covered it with a straw woven curtain.

I'm afraid that the masters are doing their work under the sun, and they will suffer from heat stroke if they are not careful.

Now, my father and I pulled out all the cabbage, rapeseed and other vegetables that had been planted in the vegetable garden before, loosened the soil again, and planted all the leek seedlings.

Because leek is a perennial root vegetable, it can be planted once and harvested for many years.

The field where the vegetable shed was built is now planted with some small green vegetables and so on, so I don't care about it, and I will still grow garlic yellow when winter comes. .

After planting, it is only necessary to fertilize, water, and weed meticulously. Naturally, the masters will no longer be foolishly busy in the sun, and they will finish the work when it is cool in the morning and evening.

This kind of work is nothing to the three of them who are used to farm work, but the water is a bit more troublesome, whether it is to fetch water from the river or from the well, it is not cheap.

So, the three masters made a total calculation, and asked someone to dig a well in the southwest corner of the vegetable garden, and buried piles to build a shelf, installed a potter's wheel, and installed a potter's wheel for the water in the backyard. Lifting water is a lot easier.

(End of this chapter)

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