Chapter 864 Can You Eat It

Lao Ye's family was very busy in the vegetable garden, and no one in the village knew what they couldn't see.

But the Ye Shitian brothers built the fence, and the commotion was relatively large, and no one in the whole Yejia Village didn't know about it.

The big guy was puzzled, this big battle in Ye Dayou's family, could it be that they have to plant some kind of treasure?
Hey, before the fence is erected, let's go and have a look at his vegetable garden.

Just like that, the whole village came wave after wave, and spared the vegetable garden of Ye Dayou's house eighty times, but they didn't see anything strange.

Even the vegetable shed that his family built mysteriously before is now completely exposed to the broad daylight. How can there be any valuable treasures?
Chinese cabbage, small rapeseed, leeks, shallots...

It's no different from their vegetable garden~
As long as these people don't delay their work, Ye Shitian and his brothers don't care about them, just let people come and watch.

When the wall is built, this screwdriver will never be seen again~
The two families were busy, everyone was tanned, He Xin'er looked at it, and felt very grateful in her heart, the farmer's man really worked hard, working hard under the sun, but he couldn't make a lot of money.

So, every afternoon, she and her little sisters brought big whites and picked mint everywhere.

She can't help with other things, no matter what, she has to let the working men drink some herbal tea.

Ye Yuanyuan and her mother also followed her to learn how to make herbal tea. Ye Shitian brothers, nephews and nephews, all of them do not like this taste.

They all laughed and said that after drinking a cup of herbal tea, they didn't sweat all day.

Brothers Ye Mancang and Ye Mantun couldn't stop praising He Xiner for being clever, there was no way she couldn't think of.

Ye Yuanyuan was very proud, she was happier than complimenting her, and she was even more motivated to find Mint.

This day was another fine and sunny day, the sun was shining brightly and the sky was clear, Ye Yuanyuan and Guan Cuizhi came early to play with He Xiner and sister.

"This fish looks so red."

Ye Laiyin ran to the town every day, looking for water lily seedlings and fish fry in his free time. One day, he happened to meet someone selling small fish. Seeing the bright red ones was very festive, so he bought some and put them in the fish pond.

"Xin'er, what's the name of this fish?"

"My dad said it's called red crucian carp. It's bright in color and easy to feed. It's very suitable for my small fish pond."

"Hee hee, crucian carp? Can you eat it?"

Ye Yuanyuan was lying on the big rock by the fish pond, with a bright smile on her face, as bright as spring, her facial features were exquisite, her eyebrows were picturesque, and her smile was as beautiful as a flower. Anyone who saw her would praise her: she is so delicate and pretty. Pretty little beauty!
However, what the little beauty said made people laugh and cry~
He Xiner gave her a blank stare and didn't want to talk to her.

"Sister Yuanyuan, this little red fish is so pretty, you can't eat it."

Ye Yuanyuan choked, her face was embarrassing, she was just joking, okay?

"Your sister Yuanyuan wants to eat it because it looks good."

The beautiful girl Guan Cuizhi is wearing a goose-yellow cross-collared waist-length skirt, which is fresh and elegant, light and delicate, showing her extraordinary temperament and unparalleled beauty.

At this time, she was holding a butterfly fan to cover her mouth and nose, only revealing a pair of clear eyes that were full of smiles, giggling and teasing Ye Yuanyuan.

"I asked Dabai to hunt pheasants for Sister Yuanyuan, okay? But I don't want to eat small fish."

The always clever little man is very rare of these little red fishes, he lays on the edge of the pool and chats with the little fishes, oh, and tells stories to the little fishes, he almost regards the little fishes as her little friends.

So, when Ye Yuanyuan said what kind of little red fish to eat, the always smart little person immediately became anxious, but he couldn't hear the tone of the other party's joke.

(End of this chapter)

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