Chapter 865
Wang Jinling's little girl looked at Ye Yuanyuan with big eyes flickering, her face was tense, as if she was afraid that she would not agree.

Facing the little girl's clear and innocent eyes, Ye Yuanyuan felt her face burning hot, embarrassed and ashamed, but at the same time she couldn't laugh or cry.

"Gluttonous cat, you should hurry up, or my cousin will cry~"

Seeing Ye Yuanyuan's face blushing, He Xiner and Guan Cuizhi couldn't help but cover their mouths and snicker, their shoulders trembled.

"The bad girl's mouth is too bad, let's see how my sister will teach you a lesson!"

Ye Yuanyuan was a little bit embarrassed by the little girl's words, didn't He Xiner hit the muzzle of the gun?
He deserved to be caught.

"Oh, dear sister, please forgive me, I will never dare again."

"Hmph, I don't believe you."

He Xiner is a provocative person, but she is also clever, she runs away when she gets into trouble, Ye Yuanyuan chased her around the fish pond twice, finally caught her, how could she let her go so easily?
Besides, this round, delicate and tender little face feels so good in the hand, it's fun to hold it tight, she won't let go.

Guan Cuizhi sat in the pavilion in a gentle manner, watching the two of them making a fuss, she was so happy that the flowers were trembling, she didn't try to persuade her.

The little girl, Wang Jinling, was already used to their playfulness, so she didn't care how much they tossed about, instead, she watched happily.

"Hey, hey, the beautiful sister is merciful, the villain's face is about to be torn~"

"Ha ha……"

He Xiner bowed and begged solemnly, making Ye Yuanyuan laugh out loud, Guan Cuizhi and Wang Jinling couldn't stop laughing too.

The little sisters had had enough laughing, and read the short stories with great interest. It wasn't until Mrs. Wang brought herbal tea that they realized that it was getting late.

The sun was too strong at noon, and the hot sun was burning on their bodies like a fire. They didn't feel much when they sat in the gazebo. When they were under the big sun, they breathed heat.

Immediately, Guan Cuizhi and Ye Yuanyuan drank herbal tea and were ready to go home.

"By the way, I have a gift for you tomorrow."

"Well, me too, me too."

He Xiner and her little cousin sent the two of them to the gate of the house. Guan Cuizhi held a round fan and placed it in front of her forehead to shade her forehead. naughty.

Ye Yuanyuan also laughed and agreed, it seems that the two of them had already discussed it.

Tomorrow is May nineteenth.

He Xiner pulled the corner of her mouth and smiled lightly, "Then I'll wait~"

Watching the two of them out of the alley, the little girl asked puzzledly, "Sister Yuanyuan and Sister Cuizhi said they wanted to give gifts, but they didn't give them away when everyone came today. What do you mean by giving them tomorrow?"

"Tomorrow you'll find out."


On the next day, Mrs. Wang entered the West Wing Room with a pink slanted skirt and waist-length skirt with a smile on her face early in the morning.

"Wow, the color is so beautiful~"

"The peach blossoms are beautifully embroidered, thank you for your hard work."

When He Xiner received the beautiful dress made by her mother, she was in a happy mood, holding Wang's arm affectionately, and smiling brightly.

"As long as you like it."

In order to surprise her daughter before, Wang shi put in a lot of effort, and only did it when she was not at home, so it took a little longer to do it.

But as long as the girl likes it, it's worth it for a little longer.

The little girl Wang Jinling found out that today was her cousin's birthday, so she put her arms around He Xiner's neck and kissed several times, "I wish Miss Xiner a happy birthday!"

Miss Xin'er, a fairy?

It's quite a fancy name indeed.

Wang bent over with a sinister smile, chatted a few words, combed the hair of the two girls, told them to wash up quickly, and went to the backyard to do some work.

The little sisters tidied up in a leisurely manner, and just as they were about to go to the room, Ye Xusheng walked over.

(End of this chapter)

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