Chapter 867

"Ha ha……"

After reacting, He Xiner almost stopped laughing.

"Cousin is so excited!"

Seeing He Xiner's joyous expression, Ye Xusheng's handsome face flushed red, he couldn't stay any longer, said in a slightly hoarse voice that there was still something to do, and fled away, that speed was simply faster than a rabbit.

It made He Xiner laugh out loud again.

Unexpectedly, during breakfast, she didn't see the shadow of the eldest brother. He Xiner only thought that he was busy and didn't take it to heart.

After breakfast, Ye Yuanyuan and Guan Cuizhi came together and happily gave He Xiner a birthday present.

What Ye Yuanyuan gave her was a purse made by herself, light pink silk, embroidered with two small orchids, the pink is tender and delicate, very delicate and delicate, He Xiner praised her for her craftsmanship, she was very happy hung on the waist.

Guan Cuizhi smiled and took out her own gift, which was a handkerchief embroidered by herself, light yellow cocoon silk, as thin as paper and soft as cotton, with a small white daisy embroidered on each of the four corners, beautiful and elegant, fresh and unique .He Xiner was so happy that she immediately gave Guan Cuizhi a bear hug, and she yelled that she loves her so much, she loves her so much, and the things she makes are beautiful~
Every gift surprised He Xiner, her mood was so good that the smile on her lips never faded.

Because of her daughter's birthday, Mrs. Wang specially made meat dumplings for lunch.

In previous years, not to mention the younger generation's birthday, even Lao Yetou and Lao Qian's birthdays were not seriously organized. Therefore, Wang Shi did not specifically state that today is the daughter's birthday.

Old Qian, Ye Guihua, Ye Feifeng, Xiao Qian and others were a little surprised when they saw the white flour dumplings, and seeing that He Xiner's clothes were a little more colorful than before, they couldn't help but take a second look, but they didn't expect It's her birthday.

Hey, there are white flour dumplings, so I don't have any extra brain power to think about other things. That girl already has a lot of clothes, so it's not unusual to wear new clothes.

It was only at dinner time, when faced with a table of meals that were more sumptuous than the Dragon Boat Festival, that old Qian turned her rusty brain and thought for a long time, and then her complexion became not very good-looking.

She is already old, her sons and daughters are old, her grandson is almost married, and she hasn't held a birthday banquet yet, but a girl's movie is so grand.

Ye Feifeng and Ye Guihua also drank their stomachs full of dry vinegar.

Xiaoqian is the most impatient, swallowing her saliva wildly, while provoking her in a weird way, but what kind of temper she is, Ye Laijin and Ye Laiyin are both clear, and before she finishes speaking, Ye Laiyin Lai Jin stopped her with a cold voice.

And Ye Laiyin was even more straightforward, saying that this was their second wife's private money to celebrate her daughter's birthday, and it had nothing to do with her. If she didn't want to eat, she could just leave.

Xiaoqian was so angry that his nose was almost crooked, but he had no backbone to get out.

The delicious dishes on that table had already captivated her soul, how could she still have the strength to move around?
The head of the family, Lao Yetou, was silent for a long time, his usually bright old eyes were a little lost, and he didn't know what he was thinking.

It was only Ye Xusheng who poured him wine that woke him up.

"Haha, today's wine is thanks to the second girl."

"Then you should drink more."

"Okay, okay, it's the second girl's birthday, I'm happy."

Just like that, Lao Yetou and He Xiner talked happily and happily, gossiping and drinking wine, Lao Qian and the others were busy eating and eating, and there was no time to find fault, the dinner table was weird harmony.

In short, the atmosphere is quite cheerful.

Those who drink are happy, and those who eat vegetables are also happy, um, not bad.

The happiest person is of course He Xiner, it's like drinking honey all day long, her heart is sweet~
It was so late at night that I still couldn't fall asleep, so someone fumbled in the dark for the safety card given by the lobby brother, and played it repeatedly until he was too sleepy to keep his eyes open before falling into a deep sleep.

(End of this chapter)

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