The charming girl of the farm gate of crossing

Chapter 868 What Zhou Biban Said Is

Chapter 868 What Zhou Biban Said Is
The weather is hot, and the old Yetou masters are taking care of them again. The leeks in the vegetable garden are growing wildly with the naked eye. Many thin vegetable stalks have grown between the soft vegetable leaves, and there is a small flower bag on the top. Emerald green, it looks crisp and juicy.

On this day, when Ye Laiyin and Ye Shitian went to the town to deliver bean sprouts, they brought two small handfuls of newly harvested leek moss with them, and went to Taifeng Building happily.

Under the probing eyes of Zhou Biban and a group of chefs, Ye Laiyin blushed without heartbeat, and said in a deep voice that this fresh food is called green vegetables.

This name almost made Zhou Buying lose his temper.

He also thinks that this green and juicy vegetable has a tall name.

Well, just looking at its tenderness, I have to accept it.

"Speaking of which, this dish is not inferior to the yellow sprouts in winter, and even slightly crispier than the yellow sprouts. I am very optimistic about this green vegetable stick."

"It's just that I can't give you that price. After all, there are a lot of fresh vegetables that can be eaten in this season."

Ye Shitian and Ye Laiyin looked at each other, then nodded with a smile, "That's what Zhou Biban said, that's the reason."

"We're old friends, and we're both honest people. We're not playing tricks. Zhou Buyan just talks about the numbers. Let's add up the numbers together."

It's not been a day or two since the two parties have dealt with each other. Zhou Biban knows that both of them are honest people and they don't have any extravagance.

He is also a sincere person, whether it is the garlic yellow, bean sprouts, or even game from Lao Ye's family, he thinks that the price he gives is very fair.

Now it is a bit difficult.

Ordinarily, there is no shortage of fresh and juicy vegetables in this season, and the prices are not high. Their restaurants order large portions, and the vegetable farmers directly deliver the vegetables in large bamboo baskets, so the prices are [-] to [-]% lower than those set at the market. .

But it's the first time I've seen this Laoshizi green vegetable stick. It has a unique taste, crisper and tenderer than ordinary seasonal vegetables, and from what the two of you said, the output of this thing is not high, and it is very rare, so it would be inappropriate if the price was set low. .

However, he is also a part-time worker. In such a season when a large number of seasonal vegetables are on the market, the owner may not be happy to buy vegetables at too high a price.

After thinking about it like this, Zhou Buyan put forward a condition in the end, saying that this dish is only sold to their Taifeng Building, and cannot be sold elsewhere.

Ye Shitian and Ye Laiyin couldn't figure out the situation when the leek moss was just picked, they just accepted it as a low yield.

In the end, Zhou Biban offered a price of twenty cents a catty, which made the two brothers smile with joy.

The price is higher than fat meat, can you not be happy?

As expected, Taifeng Restaurant is the largest restaurant in Pingning Town. As soon as a new dish is launched, it immediately attracts many people who are trying it out, and everyone wants to order the crispy dish.

As a result, people who arrive late can't eat.

Now, the dish called crispy is even more popular.

Everyone has curiosity, the more scarce something is, the more they want to understand it.

As a result, more and more people came to try it out.

Zhou Biban grinned happily, a dish attracted so many customers to the restaurant, and the owner had an explanation, after all, the price of [-] Wen is really not that high for a rare item.
The vegetable gardens of Ye Dahe and Ye Dayou's family can't meet the expenses of Taifeng Building.

When Lao Yetou was happy, he waved his hand and bought the land.

Their family lived in a remote place with no neighbors, and there was a lot of vacant land around the vegetable garden, but it was not allocated to their family, so it would be no trouble to buy some now.

The masters are all vigorous and decisive, and they didn't hesitate to make up their minds. They made a deal with the village chief Ye Changshou that day to buy a vacant lot extending eastward from the vegetable garden.

Then, another wall was built around the newly bought land, and the previous east wall was demolished to connect with the previous vegetable field.

As a result, the area of ​​the entire vegetable garden has increased by three or four times.

(End of this chapter)

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