Chapter 869

Soon, Ye Lai Yinye and Ye Shitian brothers discovered that the yield of this Laoshizi leek moss is not low at all, the supply of water and fertilizer is sufficient, the moss bolts very fast, and it is easy to bloom if it is not harvested in time.

The crowd was overjoyed.

So, the big guys are even busier.

Ye Shitian's family has a large population, and the vegetable garden is relatively large, but it has not been expanded. It is not a small project to just convert all the idle land except the vegetable shed to grow leeks.

The three old Yetou masters drove the big oxen to loosen the soil of the newly purchased vegetable field, and then hurriedly bought leek seedlings to plant.

The daily leek moss also needs to be harvested manually.

Mrs. Wang, He Xiner and Wang Jinling also put on straw hats and helped out in the vegetable garden. Although they all worked early in the morning when the sun was not too hot, the heat was not brisk.

Dabai is not afraid of the cold, but it is afraid of the heat. At noon, it is almost invisible. It is either soaking in the river or going to the mountains to enjoy the wind. It is very interesting.

On the contrary, He Xin'er has a lot of things to do. At night, he only needs to wash his paws, and he doesn't need to fetch water to take a bath.

Now everything for soaking bean sprouts has been moved into the back of the kitchen, thanks to the spaciousness of the rebuilt kitchen, otherwise there would be no room for so many tools and utensils.

The weather is warm and there is no need to heat it. The work of soaking bean sprouts is much easier than in winter.

The water well is equipped with a potter's wheel, which is convenient for fetching water. Wang's wife soaks the beans every night, pours off the excess water the next day, puts them in various wooden boxes, and sprinkles them with regular water to keep them moist.

But now the mother and father have to take care of soaking bean sprouts, help with the work in the field, and cook meals for a family of more than ten people. They are afraid that the old man will suffer from heat stroke, so they will cook two big pots of herbal tea for nothing. In addition to the trivial matters such as the sanitation in his own yard, there are really a lot of things.

The old Qian's ladies didn't care about anything other than picking up some beans, and the little Qian's even pretended to coax the children, running around all over the street at their leisure.

Old Yetou couldn't see it, so he sent a message to ask the eldest wife and wife to cook meals for the whole family.

Accustomed to eating ready-made meals, and asking her to work out of the blue, Xiaoqian was a little incapable of accepting it. Although he didn't dare to contradict his father-in-law, he went around looking for various reasons. It's just that Yetou didn't have the patience to listen to her. .

Either go to the field to do work, or take over the three meals at home, if you don't want to do it, just leave.

The father-in-law attaches great importance to the elder grandson, loves the younger grandson, and teases the younger son whenever he sees the sky. He is always happy and smiles from ear to ear. Seeing these little Qians, he feels that he has a special face, and he is faintly proud.

Although Ye Laiyin did not dare to blatantly provoke the Wang family because of Ye Laiyin's strength, but secretly ridiculed the Wang family and his wife: they are just serving people's lives, and they think they are rich.

How can she be as comfortable and comfortable as she eats ready-made food every day~
After being proud for so long, she was unwilling to serve others.

Thinking that her father-in-law valued her two sons the most, she became bolder, but she didn't expect that the father-in-law would directly yell at her daughter-in-law and tell her to get out!

Xiaoqian was ashamed and shy, and pouted dangerously.

The status of the father-in-law is there, and generally he does not interfere in the affairs of the women in the family, especially the affairs of the daughter-in-law. Whether it is to teach the daughter-in-law or train the daughter-in-law, that is the right of the mother-in-law.

But old Qian Shi just cared about filling her stomach and didn't care about anything else.

If it weren't for Lao Yetou's coercive policy, she wouldn't even raise a finger for such a light job as picking beans.

In any case, when the head of the family spoke, Xiaoqian and his wife had to comply no matter how unwilling they were, or else they would be kicked out.

Then, the old Qian, who was spoiled by Wang's wife, got angry and cursed people three times a day, and finally it almost became a conditioned reflex. Xiaoqian's wife will arrange the food, you don't need to taste it, just look at the color, Old Qian first scolded the two of them bloody.

(End of this chapter)

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