The charming girl of the farm gate of crossing

Chapter 870 How cool it is to stay at home

Chapter 870 How cool it is to stay at home

Old Yetou was naturally dissatisfied, the precious white rice and flour were ruined by this idiot, what a prodigal.

I was angry in my heart, and coupled with the old Qian's wife squeaking at the sky, Lao Yetou was really annoyed. With a big wave of his hand, he asked the eldest wife and his wife to go to work in the field.

Xiaoqian was dumbfounded.

The meals for the past few days were said to be cooked by the couple, but in fact she didn't reach out at all, and threw them all to her daughter Ye Feifeng.

Thinking of her as an adult, before Wang married into Lao Ye's family, she did a lot of housework. At that time, she had to steam a big pot of steamed buns, but now she doesn't know how to steam steamed buns. How is that possible?

Even though most of the vegetables were boiled in water before, but now the oil and salt can be used freely. As long as you are not stupid and put a little effort into it, the cooked food will not be like pig food, which is a paste.

Of course it was because of her laziness.

To be honest, Ye Feifeng is a little girl without any cooking skills. It is not easy to cook the food well. As for the pitted steamed buns, burnt stir-fried vegetables, cough, cough, you can't ask too much, at least it is cooked. .

But now the head of the family has spoken, and the eldest wife and wife go to work in the vegetable garden.

That was under the watchful eyes of the old men at home, and Xiaoqian didn't even have a chance to be lazy.

Besides, it was as hot as a fire outside, how could it be cool in the house?

So, Little Qian bit her bullet and said that six catties was still young, if she stayed in the vegetable garden for an hour or two, she would not have time to take care of the child.

"Move the cradle to the inside, and your mother will take care of the six catties without delay while picking up the beans."

Little Qian wanted to cry.

Ye Feifeng also wanted to cry.

Although it was quite hot by the stove, it was better than being in the sun.

Look at her grandfather's and father's faces, the dark ones are shining brightly, she doesn't want to turn into black charcoal!

It's really strange, why can't Ye Xiner and the girls of the Wang family get tanned?
It is said that in order to have delicious food, Old Qian's arrangement was outstretched in favor of Old Yetou.

The little grandson is very well-behaved, he never cries, and he can play for half a day by holding his feet in the cradle, so she doesn't have to worry about it at all.

Besides, after peeing, go to the backyard and yell, and call the eldest daughter-in-law to clean up, without her reaching out.

Just like that, Xiaoqian's wife and daughters were busy working in the vegetable garden, but they paid great attention to sun protection. They never dared to take off their straw hats, but they quickly turned into wheat-colored, and their skin became rougher.

Ye Feifeng wants to cry but has no tears.

The work in the field was handed over, and my mother had a lot of time, so Wang arranged for He Xin'er to become a female celebrity.

If you have that time, you might as well practice calligraphy.

The eldest brother's birthday is coming soon, she boasted that Haikou will make a gift by herself, it's over, it's over, it's over!
How can she have any skills that she can do~
It's too late to learn embroidery now, even if I try to make a sachet, purse or something, it can't compare with the safe card that the big hall brother gave her.

Tomorrow is the first day of June, and it is getting closer and closer to the eldest brother's birthday. He Xiner is scratching her head in anxiety, and it is not easy to discuss it with others. It seems that she is careless~
By the way, I will go to the town tomorrow, maybe I can get some inspiration.

After dinner, He Xiner played with her little cousin in the main hall of her parents.

"Father, I want to go to town tomorrow."

The little girl was lowering her head to sip and drink the white fungus soup. When she heard this, she ignored her favorite white fungus soup and sat up straight, blinking her big black eyes, "I want to go, too go."

"Hehe, it's so cool to stay at home on this hot day. If you want to buy anything, Dad will bring it back for you."

(End of this chapter)

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