Chapter 871

He Xiner thought about going to the town because she didn't know what to buy, and naturally she didn't care about the hot weather.

In addition, Wang Jinling, a child who loves to watch the excitement, insisted on having fun, so Ye Laiyin and Wang had no choice but to stick to it.

"Father and your uncle have to go to several places to deliver food, so I don't have time to accompany you two."

"It's okay, I'll take Dabai with me."

It's no problem to have Dabai following, Ye Laiyin nodded first, then smiled when he remembered something, "Dabai's physique is huge, don't squeeze your uncle out of the bullock cart."

Since the weather got warmer, Ye Laiyin unloaded the carriages, and the two of them desperately wanted to deliver seven or eight baskets of bean sprouts to the town, and it was really inconvenient to have carriages.

Now leek moss has been added, and there are three or four bamboo baskets every day. There are really many things.

That is to say, He Xiner and the little girl have petite bodies, and they can squeeze together in any gap.

But Dabai couldn't do it, he was as strong as a calf, and he absolutely couldn't squeeze between the bamboo baskets, so he could only squeeze with Ye Shitian on the front frame.

Thinking of that scene, He Xiner couldn't help laughing.

"It's too crowded, let Dabai run by himself."

"Hey, Dabai spread his feet and ran, the big yellow ox can't catch up."

"Ha ha……"

The first day of the new year was Ye Xusheng's rest day, but He Xiner wanted to prepare a birthday gift for him, so naturally she avoided him and didn't go to town with him.

If it had been in the past, Ye Laiyin and Wang's family would have worried about He Xin'er, and would immediately think of letting their eldest nephew stay with their daughter.

Now the ox cart was loaded with too many things, there would be no room for one more person, and with Dabai following the two girls, they were relieved, so they didn't mention it.

Early the next morning, He Xiner and her little cousin took Dabai with them, and quietly followed the ox cart to the town.

The weather is hot now, and although the bean sprouts and leek moss are covered with wet cotton cloth, they are not suitable for exposure to the sun, so Ye Laiyin and Ye Shitian leave very early every day, waiting for the old Ye's family to have breakfast , They have arrived at the big archway in Pingning Town.

"Second aunt, where are Xin'er and Wang's cousin?"

The meals were all set, and aside from seeing the two sisters, the second aunt obviously had the wrong amount of bowls and chopsticks.

Ye Xusheng frowned slightly, a little puzzled.

"The two of them went to town with the ox cart."

"What! Why didn't the dead girl call me when she went to town?"

Here, Mrs. Wang was talking to her eldest nephew gently, but Ye Guihua, who was opposite her, suddenly questioned her in a high-pitched voice, which stunned Mrs. Wang.

"There are too many things on the bullock cart, and the two little girls managed to squeeze in. There is no more room for one more person."

Although she didn't know why sister-in-law was so excited, Mrs. Wang still opened her mouth to explain to her, but sister-in-law scolded her girl dead girl indiscriminately, she was angry, and the expression on her face was not very good-looking.

And Ye Xusheng gave his sister-in-law a cool look.

"Sister, it's too much to casually call Xin'er a dead girl."

"Hey, you little boy..."

Ye Guihua recently thought that she got along very well with Wang Jinling and had no conflicts with He Xiner, so she wanted to secretly provoke Wang Jinling to go to town with He Xiner, and then, of course, she wanted to be together.

She had been thinking of tricking He Xiner into buying her jewelry.

Dabai's dog went to the mountains every day, and he harvested every day. Game, but it was a bit more expensive than domestic hunting meat.

The second room has a lot of money, and the dead girl is also very rich, not to mention taking the initiative to honor her with a few good things, she has to figure out her own way.

Hmph, the girl from the Wang family owns both the silver bracelet and the silver hairpin, and she didn't buy it from a dead girl, so she didn't know.

They planned to fight loudly, but this man didn't follow the routine, and went to the town without saying a word.

(End of this chapter)

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