The charming girl of the farm gate of crossing

Chapter 872 What kind of flower is this

Chapter 872 What kind of flower is this
Ye Feifeng was annoyed by He Xiner and the sisters. He was anxious and angry. He was very irritable. When he criticized Ye Xusheng, he cursed without even thinking about it. Before he finished speaking, he received two cannibalistic words The light frightened her so much that she swallowed back the following words abruptly.

How could she have forgotten that the eldest nephew is not to be messed with.

As a result, Ye Guihua became even more annoying, but she didn't dare to be a demon anymore.

Her father looked as if he was going to eat her, it was really scary.

Old Qian was also dissatisfied with He Xiner's free and undisciplined behavior. Whose girl is as carefree as her, she can do whatever she wants, and she doesn't even say hello to her when she wants to go out.

Hmph, look back and see how I deal with you!
Although the second child was not at home, the old man had always been protective of that girl and the eldest grandson, so she didn't bother to speak harsh words.

Hehe, it's obvious that I want to take advantage of my grandson's influence to become an old lady, and I don't want to confront my grandson, so I just want to find those excuses.

No matter what everyone thinks in their hearts, no one finds fault.

Then, what should the big guys do? Ye Xusheng went to the Zhang family as usual to discuss the Nine Yin Scriptures with Uncle Zhang and Dong Qiang.

In other words, he was not the only one who was fascinated, Zhang Tieniu and Zhang Dongqiang were also fascinated, pondering every day, what is the Eighteen Dragon Subduing Palms, what is the Nine Yin White Bone Claws, what is the Kongming Fist...

The three of them seemed to be in a state of madness. During the day and night, their minds were full of various fighting scenes.

If He Xiner knew what the three of them looked like, she would look up to the sky and laugh out loud.

She said martial arts novels are infinitely charming~
Old Qian was full of evil thoughts, Ye Guihua was full of anger, and the two mothers absent-mindedly picked up the beans, while muttering about He Xiner.

After discussing for a whole morning, I couldn't come up with any good idea.

It is true that Ye Laiyin is protecting her tightly, and the old man is also leaning towards her, so it is not easy to trip her up.

"Grandma, sister-in-law, we are back."

A clear and clear child's voice sounded, it was Wang Jinling who walked in with small steps, holding a white porcelain painted bamboo flowerpot in his hand, before the person came to the front, a sweet and fragrant smell came over his face.

Ye osmanthus lifted her spirits.

"what is this flower?"

"Sister Xin'er said it's called Jasmine."

"Grandma, sister, does this smell good? Hehe, I haven't smelled enough of it all the way. It's so fragrant."

Old Qian is an old lady from the countryside. She has lived a long time, and she will have a few days to eat and eat meat. She puts her mind on clothes and jewelry, and wants to show off her unique identity.

It's just that she doesn't control the family's money, and her hands are tight, so she puts her eyes on Erfang, trying every means to find some money to spend.

When the fish pond and gazebo were built in Xikuayuan, she was quite dissatisfied, thinking that the second child was burned because of too much money, and what kind of fish and flowers do rural people know~
With that money, it's better to buy some decent things for her.

Because she didn't like Ye Laiyin's habit of He Xiner, she didn't even take a look at the gazebo and fish pond in the west yard after they were built.

She is an old lady from a farming family, how can she know how to grow flowers and fish!
It's just, it's just that this jasmine flower really smells so good~
The old face, which had darkened when he heard the little girl's voice, softened unknowingly, and the old Sanjiao's eyes were full of surprise.

The tender branches are covered with layers of green leaves, and the white as snow flower bones bloom delicately on the branches, silently exuding bursts of fragrance.

Old Qian and Ye Guihua couldn't help but lean closer and sniff carefully, the sweet aroma was refreshing.

"Grandma, do you like it? Sister Xin'er specially bought it for you."

"What about the second girl?"

"Grandma, are you looking for me?"

 Ask for a ticket~
  Thank you in advance~~
(End of this chapter)

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