The charming girl of the farm gate of crossing

Chapter 874 I'm Really Guilty

Chapter 874 I'm Really Guilty
Even though it was his birthday, Ye Xusheng got up at Yinshi as usual and went to Zhang's house to practice for an hour and a half.

He Xiner wanted to catch up early, and it was indeed early enough. When she stepped into the courtyard of Dongkuayuan, Ye Xusheng would come out of the bathroom.

Dressed in Tsing Yi, his slender figure is extraordinarily upright, his sharp facial features, cool and clear eyes, he is full of heroic spirit and spirit.

Such a capable temperament!

It's simply heroic~
He Xiner was infatuated for a moment. If the former hall brother was an elegant and modest student, now he is a heroic young general!
Brother Datang is really a treasure boy~
"Xin'er, so early?"

"The hall brother is so handsome!"


Ye Xusheng's ears felt hot, and he really didn't know how to answer her words.

"My cousin's hair is still wet, wipe it off quickly, so you don't catch a cold."

"It's okay, the wind will dry it."

"I'll wring it out for my cousin."

The hall brother, who has always been careful, is so careless about his own affairs, really~
He Xiner pulled Ye Xusheng's arm straight to the main hall.

"Big brother, sit down, I can't reach it."

As she spoke, He Xiner went into the room familiarly, and took out a soft cotton towel.

"Big Brother let go of your hair."


"It's so wet and uncomfortable~"

He Xiner first combed the hair with a wooden comb, and then dried it with a cotton towel little by little. Her hands were busy, and her mouth was not idle, rambling on and on about how the big brother didn't take care of herself.

The person being babbled was not bothered, and listened to her quietly, but his eyes were fixed on the rectangular brocade box on the table of the Eight Immortals.

The girl was so focused on brushing his hair that she probably forgot what she was here for.

Well, do you want to remind her?

Ye Xusheng has never been like this before, and he finally has a deep understanding of what it means to be "hard to scratch".

What gift did Xiner prepare for him...

Perhaps because he was anxious, he actually felt that time passed very slowly.

"Okay, let's loosen it like this first, and then tie it up after it's all dry."

"Thank you Xiner."

"Hey, what can I thank you for, the eldest brother has combed and twisted my hair a lot."

He Xiner was smiling and talking, just sat down, but suddenly jumped up as if being pricked by a needle, "Ah, I forgot!"

Because she got up too hastily, she directly brought down the drum stool under her body. He Xiner's first reaction was to twist her waist to help her, but she lost her balance and fell to the side, "Too bad..."

Ye Xusheng's eyes were quick and his hands were quick, and he shot quickly. While picking up the person, he lightly hooked the drum stool with his feet and straightened him upright.

"Haha, what's the name of this move?"


Ye Xusheng couldn't help but laugh.

"Xin'er came over early in the morning..."

"Ah! I almost forgot again."

He Xiner patted her forehead, and then said with a playful smile, "Happy birthday, brother hall."

"Thank you."

"Hey, don't dislike the gift for the big hall brother~"

Someone rubbed his hands a little nervously, and slowly opened the brocade box, a smooth, delicate, oily and shiny ebony folding fan caught Ye Xusheng's eyes.

Taking it out carefully, Ye Xusheng didn't open it in a hurry, but gently stroked the smooth fan bone.

"That, that, hehe, I originally wanted to write a poem on it, but the hall brother also knows that I really can't do it well, so I need you to do it yourself. Who can make your old man write well~"

"Two large fan bones, thirteen small fan bones, uniform in thickness, smooth polished, oily and delicate, copper buckle fan nails, round and full..."

"Oh, the lobby brother's eyes are too sharp, I admire, admire, hehe, hehe~"

Dry smile, very guilty.

"Okay, I'll show my cards..."

 Ask for a ticket~
  Thank you in advance~~
(End of this chapter)

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