The charming girl of the farm gate of crossing

Chapter 875 It's Truer Than Pearls

Chapter 875 It's Truer Than Pearls

He Xiner wrung her hands, lowered her head to look at her own toes, wobbly, completely lost her usual cleverness, and her voice sounded like a mosquito humming. If it wasn't for Ye Xusheng's good hearing, I'm afraid she wouldn't have known She is talking.

"Big Brother, I'm sorry..."

"I told you, you should never say sorry."

This time Ye Xusheng didn't cover her mouth, but he stopped her very quickly. He Xiner couldn't help but raised her head, blinking her big eyes and staring at him steadily.

It always feels a little weird.

Ye Xusheng patted her on the head, looked at her seriously with his clear and handsome eyes, and smiled lightly, "Is there anything you can't tell me directly with the big brother?"

Hey, too.

Brother Datang has always known that she is clumsy, and she can't even comb her hair by herself. Brother Datang has combed her hair for countless times, so there is nothing to be ashamed of.

Thinking of this, He Xiner smiled, and the embarrassment before was gone.

"Hee hee, brother hall has sharp eyes, and he can see the exquisite workmanship of this fan bone at a glance. I think I can't make it with my handicapped party."

Disabled party?
Ye Xusheng frowned slightly, disliking the name very much.

"Originally, I wanted to make it myself, but after trying again and again, I couldn't even make the most basic fan bone well, so I had to give up."

"Haha, luckily I'm smart, I'm afraid that's the case, so I made second-hand preparations early."

Cheering, He Xin'er didn't feel any shame at all, and was also faintly proud.

"After two days of hard work, I used several bamboos, but I couldn't make fan bones of uniform thickness, so I had to change to the second plan."

"Dang, Dang, Dang, this is the ebony fan. I bought it in advance, but I also started it..."

Slowly opened the folding fan and put it in front of his eyes to cover half of his face, a trace of shyness flashed in his clear eyes, "That, that, it's not easy to remove the origami on it cleanly, and, I want to paste this cocoon silk It's not easy..."

Ye Xusheng held back his smile and endured it very hard, so he didn't open his mouth and just looked at her quietly. Although the little girl covered half of her face, she knew that someone's face would be flushed~
"Cough, cough~"

After clearing her throat, He Xiner's eyeballs rolled around, and she was embarrassed to meet Qingming's gaze.

"Brother Hall, look at how smooth the plain cocoon silk is, so that there is no crease when it is opened. It is very convenient to draw a small picture or write a small poem on it, and it is more meaningful if you do it yourself. ..."

Ye Xusheng saw that her voice was getting smaller and smaller, until it was almost inaudible in the end, he couldn't help but raise the corners of his lips, coughed lightly, and said with a smile, "Xin'er's idea is very good, and as you said, this fan is sticky. Very flat..."

After being praised, a certain person immediately regained his spirits, his eyes lit up instantly, and he raised his chin in a rather small manner and said, "This cocoon silk is extremely soft, and it is not easy to paste. It took a lot of fabrics to succeed. If it wasn't for my little cousin's help, I'm afraid I won't be able to finish it until today..."

She got so nervous, she accidentally told the truth, her bright smile froze instantly, He Xiner lowered her head, shrunk her shoulders, and tried to shrink herself, like a quail.

Ye Xusheng couldn't help but sneered anymore~
"Big brother jokes..."

He Xiner blushed from embarrassment, pouted and accused the other party.

"Then elder brother will compensate you."

"Hey, that's okay, as long as the hall brother doesn't dislike this birthday gift."

"Xin'er has put so much thought into it, big brother can only be moved, how could he dislike it?"

The little girl suddenly regained her spirits, with a look of surprise on her face, "Really?"

"Truer than pearls."

Ye Xusheng's eyes were full of smiles, almost overflowing, and he looked at her seriously, with a firm attitude and a sincere tone.

(End of this chapter)

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