Chapter 876
He still learned this word from He Xiner, Ye Xusheng thinks it is the most appropriate to use this word now.

Sure enough, the little girl was very happy when she heard it~
"Haha, that's great!"

The devilish laughter stopped after a while, making Ye Xusheng wonder.

"what happened?"

"Well, I'm just ashamed, the gift that the big hall brother gave me was exquisitely made, obviously a lot of effort was put into it, and I, and I..."

"Giving a gift is just an expression of your heart, regardless of whether the object itself is valuable or exquisite."

"That's what the big brother said, so I don't have any embarrassment~"

"Brother just needs to hear you say 'Happy Birthday' to be very happy, and you don't have to worry about it in the future."

"That won't work, I still need gifts, but I'm a handicapped one, and the things I make are rough."

"Well, whether it's delicate or rough, my brother likes it all."

"Hee hee, brother hall is the best!"

Looking at the little girl who smiled like a flower, Ye Xusheng's heart softened, and he said with a smile, "Maybe there is a headband, brother will comb your hair."

As soon as the words fell, the other party smiled and took out the headband and headband from the purse, "Please trouble the big brother~"

Ye Xusheng smiled lightly.

Because Lao Ye's family did not have the habit of celebrating birthdays before, and they also did not have the habit of giving gifts, Ye Laijin was not prepared for being a biological father, let alone Xiao Qian's.

Ye Xusheng didn't care too much, the farmer's family didn't pay much attention to it, he gave Xin'er a gift, and Xin'er gave him a gift, this was their mutual affection and had nothing to do with others.

However, he unexpectedly received new shoes made for him by Mrs. Wang, the Four Treasures of the Study from his second uncle, and the bamboo clearfly from Wang's cousin.

Heart full and swollen, Ye Xusheng was in a good mood, and the smile on his lips never faded.

For lunch, He Xin'er and Wang Jinling helped Wang shi make three fresh meat dumplings.

"It's such a hot day, the second child's family doesn't think it's too much trouble to make so many dumplings."

When the plump, round, and fragrant dumplings were put on the dining table, Lao Yetou's eyes lit up, he was satisfied, and he spoke politely.

After being tortured by Xiaoqian's wife, Lao Yetou became more and more satisfied with Wang's.

This is a virtuous and filial daughter-in-law~
"Today is Xu Sheng's birthday."

Wang replied with a smile.

Ye Laijin, Xiaoqian and Ye Feifeng were all startled.

Old Ye was overjoyed, and laughed loudly, "It's my grandson's birthday, so let's celebrate it."

Speaking of which, the public has earned a lot of money recently, and Lao Yetou is happy every day, and he is in a super good mood.

I heard that it was the eldest grandson's birthday, so he didn't search for it at the moment, he just said that the business would pay for the banquet, and let Ye Laijin drive an ox cart to the town to buy wine and meat after the meal.

"You don't need to work any longer, I've already bought all the wine and meat."

"Okay, okay, the second child is open and bright, haha."

Seeing that the second-bedroom couple was considerate, Lao Ye felt happy. The second child was always generous. Although he had accumulated a few private money, he never searched for it. I respect elder brother, he is a good boy with solid eyes.

Although Xiaoqian couldn't understand her father-in-law boasting about her second wife, but he was doing it for her son's use, no matter how stupid she was, she couldn't keep her mouth shut.

Turning her eyeballs and snorting softly, it's useless to try to please this kind of stubborn, her son crawled out of her intestines, and when her son becomes an official in the future, she will be a legitimate old lady of the official family, the second room What a fart!
Hey, someone took the initiative to pay for a banquet, and she just ate what was ready...

On the contrary, Ye Laijin was very sorry. He already took a lot of advantage from the second room. Now that his eldest son celebrated his birthday, the second child and his wife carefully prepared all these things. He was really moved. And ashamed.

(End of this chapter)

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