Chapter 879

Facing the solemn thanks from her eldest nephew, Mrs. Wang was a little embarrassed, and smiled slightly, "Just as long as you like it."

He Xiner also smiled and told him not to be polite, while Wang Jinling chattered and introduced the recipes of those dishes to everyone, especially the deep-fried eggplant box. This dish is very favorite of the old Qian, and he ate it full of praise.

Hey, she is not hungry, but she is in the mood to comment on the dishes.

Wang Jinling's kid has a small mouth, with a childlike voice, clear and sweet, and hooks up the old Ye Touye and the old Qian's wife to ask questions from time to time, so a certain kid gets more energetic and tells a story to Xiaoyu Enthusiasm, very interesting.

The entire dining room is harmonious and harmonious, and the atmosphere is super good.

He Xiner couldn't stop laughing secretly, it seems that the little cousin is really not hungry.

Xiaoqian looked at everyone talking and laughing coldly, she was not angry, and even held back her anger, which made her chest hurt.

Today is her son's birthday, why should the second wife show off the limelight?

She was so pissed off!
No matter how angry she was, she didn't dare to criticize, if she was scolded by that bastard Ye Laiyin again, she would die.

The most angry thing was that Ye Laiyin scolded her, her husband didn't care, and her son didn't say a word...

Call ~
So, Xiaoqian turned all her resentment into appetite, two bowls of fish soup, a few eggplant boxes, and a few pieces of cake...

To say that Ye Feifeng was the quietest person at the dinner table, as long as she couldn't hear others talking, she just kept her head down and ate.

Today, old Yetou is very interested and insists on asking his eldest grandson to drink a couple of cups, but Ye Xusheng can't hold back, so he has to drink some with his father.

"Second girl, come and taste this wine too."

Obviously, Lao Ye was drunk, his old face was flushed, his eyes were a little lost, but he was smiling happily.

Now that there is a leek moss business, plus soybean sprouts and mung bean sprouts, the public receives a lot of money every day. These are all ideas given by He Xiner, so Lao Yetou naturally values ​​her.

He was really happy, he was so happy that he couldn't close his mouth from ear to ear, he was already happy in his heart, coupled with the power of alcohol, he became even happier, like a cloud, his whole body was light.

Old Yetou was in high spirits. Being with his son and grandson wasn't enough, and he was excited to tease He Xiner.

"Hey, you don't need to taste it to know that this wine is very spicy."

He Xiner smiled and joked with her father, as for the drinking, it's better to skip it, dizzy~
Maybe it was because she acted too violently last time, and she didn't say she was uncomfortable, so old Ye Tou insisted on letting her drink, while Ye Laiyin, who always loved his daughter, just watched the fun with a smile, without saying a word.

Even Ye Laijin, who has always been calm, drank a little too much. He was in a good mood and said with a smile that the second girl had a few sips.

The little girl Wang Jinling yelled and booed, and kept calling Sister Xin'er to drink.

Wang was angry and funny.

It also seems that the girl is fine, she just thinks she has a bit of alcohol, but she is not worried at all.

Alas, it's better to be honest and not to be arrogant.

He Xiner wanted to cry but had no tears.

Old Qian and Mrs. Ye Guihua didn't care about their fuss, and ate happily on their own. Well, although my stomach is full, I can't help but want to eat.

Not to mention Xiaoqian, the more he ate, the happier he was, and he had already put his previous thoughts to the back of his mind.

"You can't drink it all this time, just take a sip."

Seeing that the wine couldn't be pushed, Ye Xu got up and got a wine glass for He Xiner from the drawer, and poured her a glass with the tin pot.

Afraid that she would make another mouthful, he deliberately moved forward to remind her in a low voice.

In the end, seeing He Xiner only sip a little bit, but old Ye Tou refused, even Ye Laiyin, his own father, smiled and asked his daughter to talk big.

He Xiner is absolutely crushed!
Father is really a master at cheating babies~
And her mother actually covered her mouth and snickered!
He Xiner suspected that she was dreaming, which was not real.

(End of this chapter)

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