The charming girl of the farm gate of crossing

Chapter 880 This old man is really interested

Chapter 880 This old man is really interested
Just like that, He Xiner drank two glasses in a daze under the coaxing of the super-enthusiastic grandfather and father who was a master of cheating.

It's just that the sky is spinning, what's going on?

When Ye Xusheng saw He Xiner giggling, he knew she was drunk, so he quickly poured tea for her, "Drink some tea..."

"Hey, thank you big brother."

This silly look really made people laugh, Ye Xusheng felt distressed and funny at the same time.

He Xiner took the teacup in a daze, drank it all in one gulp, smiled and said "I want more",
Ye Xusheng hurriedly poured her another glass.

Mrs. Wang also saw that her daughter seemed to be drinking too much, so she was so anxious to test her forehead with her hands, "Is Xin'er okay?"

Hey, she's not sick~
"I'm fine, don't worry, mother."

A certain person suddenly became serious, his eyes widened, and he talked to her mother steadily, as if it wasn't her who was giggling just now.

"Is it all right?"

"Yeah, it's truer than pearls."

"Sister Xin'er, this cake is really delicious."

My little cousin got into trouble with this Laoshizi cake today.

Good guy, I don't know if I don't look at it, I was shocked when I saw it, just after she drank two glasses of wine, an oversized cake was wiped out.

He Xiner glanced around, her grandma, sister-in-law, aunt, Ye Feifeng and little cousin were all eating together with great relish.


They didn't occupy all of them, and everyone else had a piece on their dishes, but they didn't bother to eat it.

He Xiner is still very happy that the hard-working food is recognized by everyone, full of sense of accomplishment.

Two large candles were lit in the dining room, illuminating the room brightly, and the masters got excited, and the quarrel lasted for more than an hour before it ended satisfactorily.

The little girl Wang Jinling was so sleepy that she couldn't keep her eyes open, so He Xiner sent her back to sleep first, and the little girl climbed onto the bed and fell asleep soundly.

It made He Xiner giggle silly, wiped her hands and face with a wet cotton towel, carefully took off her clothes, shoes and socks, covered her stomach with a thin quilt, and ordered Dabai to watch over her, then turned around and left. room.

There was a crescent moon in the sky, and the brilliance was as clear as water, covering the entire yard, and a gust of breeze passed by, making it cool.

After He Xiner drank, her brain became hyperactive, and she felt the urge to run wildly and shout.

Still don't be scary.

Rubbing her face, He Xiner tried to calm herself down.

The table is not cleared yet.


"Brother in the lobby."

Before leaving the Xikuan courtyard, Ye Xusheng walked over.

"Are you feeling uncomfortable?"

"Except for being a little dizzy and wanting to roar, everything else is normal."


"Why don't you go to rest?"

"The table is full of bowls and chopsticks, plates, and pots. My mother can't handle it by herself. I have to help."

A certain person grinned and kept smirking, and was about to walk away as he spoke. Perhaps he was really drunk, but suddenly he swayed and couldn't stand steadily.

Ye Xusheng hurriedly stretched out his hand to help her up, "Sister-in-law and eldest sister helped Second Aunt clean up."

Hearing this, He Xiner blinked her big eyes, then looked up at the sky speechlessly.

"what happened?"

"Let me see if there are any red clouds in the sky..."

A certain person searched all over the sky solemnly, and slowly dragged out a long tone, saying this with great joy.

Ye Xusheng couldn't hold it back, and chuckled, "It's the Lord who ordered them."

"Tch, I'll just say~"

"Is the old man still talking about it?"

"My father and my second uncle are still talking."

"Hey, this old man is really in high spirits..."

Ye Xusheng...

"By the way, big brother, shall we go to the hot spring?"

"No, no, you can't go if you drink alcohol. Alas..."

The little girl was startled, her eyes lit up with joy for a while, and her head drooped listlessly for a while.

 Ask for a ticket~
  Thank you in advance~~
(End of this chapter)

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