The charming girl of the farm gate of crossing

Chapter 881 The bad boy is very annoying

Chapter 881 The bad boy is very annoying

Maybe it was because of drinking, but Ye Xusheng was also a little excited, his brain was abnormally active, he couldn't concentrate on reading, and he didn't want to sleep. If it wasn't for the half-drunk He Xiner, he would have gone to practice martial arts in the mountains after running early.

"Speaking of which, we haven't gone to the hot springs since my little cousin came here. Alas, my cousin is too young and tends to get sleepy at night. Otherwise, she will be happy if I take her there."

Ye Xusheng...

He doesn't want to talk.

"I feel dizzy, but I don't want to sleep~"

In the silvery moonlight, the pretty little girl stared at her big ignorant eyes, pouted her bright red mouth, and her head was a bit naive~
"Would you like to go to Sapphire Lake to see the scenery?"

"Okay! Okay! Let's stay in the mountains overnight and watch the sunrise tomorrow morning."

Speaking of which, because I want to accompany my cousin, I haven't been to Sapphire Lake once in the past six months. He Xiner has long wanted to go, but Sapphire Lake is too far away, and my cousin is still young, so I can't go to the deep mountains.

Seeing that she was very interested, Ye Xusheng didn't want to spoil her interest, so he agreed after a moment of hesitation.

Do you see the beginning of the day?

He is naturally willing to accompany Xin'er, but the early morning martial arts practice will be delayed.

Forget it, go talk to Uncle Zhang first.

After making up his mind, Ye Xusheng asked He Xiner to go back to the house and wait for him. The adults in the family hadn't slept yet, so it was not very good to be discovered.

I ran to Zhang's house at my own speed, asked for a day off, turned a blind eye to Zhang Dongqiang's joking eyes, went home very quickly and packed a simple bag, and waited for everyone to fall asleep before going to Xikuayuan to pick up He Xiner.

"My dear, my cousin will leave it to you, my dear."

In a patiently excited mood, He Xiner squatted down and discussed with Dabai, asking him to take care of his cousin at home.

But the obvious Dabai is very unhappy, it also wants to go out to play.

Wagging his tail, Dabai's eyes were filled with reluctance, biting He Xiner's dress, and he would not let go.


He Xiner was so entangled by it that she couldn't help laughing out loud. Then she remembered her sleeping cousin, and quickly glanced at the kang. Fortunately, the little cousin slept like a piglet, snoring and thundering Can't wake up.

The door slammed lightly, and Ye Xusheng walked in with his burden on his back.

"Brother Dabai, Dabai also wants to play."

"No, it needs to watch my cousin at home."

Ye Xusheng refused without hesitation, Xin'er was obviously moved, but he didn't want to take this stupid dog with him at all.

Dabai, who was scolded as a stupid dog, keenly sensed the other party's unkind gaze, and he let go very unwillingly, but couldn't help but roll his eyes.

Bad boy hates...


"It's useless to keep a pair of disobedient ears."

Cool voice, light tone, casually~
Dabai's hair exploded in an instant, and the bad boy would have trouble with him in the end, his big ears are majestic and handsome, who is he to provoke?

Ye Xusheng sneered.

Dabai was cowardly for a second, and swished into the kennel and pretended to be dead.

He Xiner covered her mouth and laughed wildly, ouch, the great ancestor also had such a cowardly time, it was so funny~
At three o'clock in Haishi, the night is quiet, the moon hangs in the starry sky, the breeze is gentle, without the high temperature like a stove in the daytime, it is very refreshing.

Old Ye's newly built house had a high wall and it was difficult to climb. Ye Xusheng took He Xiner through the side door in the backyard. He had the key to the side door, and he asked his second uncle for it.

After He Xin'er got out of the courtyard door, Ye Xusheng re-locked the lock inside, climbed the poplar tree in the courtyard to the top of the wall, jumped easily, and reached the outside of the courtyard in a few breaths.

"Brother Hall, so fast!"

In the hazy moonlight, the little girl's dark eyes were shining, she looked at him with admiration, and she smiled very brightly, "Hey, the way the big hall brother jumped off just now is so handsome!"

Ye Xusheng's ears were hot, his eyes flashed lightly, and he said with a smile, "Brother carries you."

(End of this chapter)

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