Chapter 883 Where is the sun
Ye Xusheng opened the bag with his left hand and took out a silver cloak, and put it on the little girl seriously, covering her tightly.

It was windy at night, so there was no dew early in the morning.

After thinking about it carefully, there was nothing wrong. Ye Xusheng closed his eyes to rest, but he didn't sleep. It's hard to say that some wild things would come out of the deep mountains and old forests. If he fell asleep and couldn't sit still, wouldn't it make Xin I fell down~
He Xin'er fell into a drowsy sleep. It was cold at first, but she couldn't help curling up tiredly in search of warmth. Finally, she was much warmer and more comfortable. So, she let herself go and fell into a deep sleep contentedly.

"Xiner, Xiner~"


He Xiner was so sleepy that she couldn't keep her eyes open, she responded lightly, her head arched back and forth, and she found a comfortable position to continue sleeping.

"The sun is about to rise."


Someone continues to sleep.

Ye Xusheng...

Forget it, even if you are so sleepy, let's sleep again.


Just when Ye Xusheng gave up on waking up a sleepy bug, He Xiner suddenly yelled, sat up straight, stared at the sky with her dazed eyes.

In the gray sky, there are a few sparse stars hanging, and the distant mountain peaks are hidden in the depths of thick clouds and mist, only a black outline...

"Where is the sun?"

After murmuring inarticulately, He Xiner tilted her head and fell back into Ye Xusheng's arms, closing her eyes and falling asleep.

Ye Xusheng...

Is this awake or not?

"Huh? This is the darkness before dawn~"

The person in his arms opened his eyes again, still ignorant.

He Xiner did not wake up, she pretended to be confused, her eyes were staring at the stars in the sky without blinking, she was a little confused not knowing where she was.

Knowing that she was confused, Ye Xusheng didn't bother her.

The sky was gradually dawning, silver-gray light enveloped the earth, the distant mountain peaks, and the nearby trees clearly came into view.

"Hey, it's dawn, it's dawn, brother hall, it's dawn!"

This time, He Xiner finally woke up, and shouted excitedly, suddenly found that the handsome face of the eldest brother was very close to her, and, moreover, she was lying in the arms of the eldest brother.

A certain person finally felt embarrassed, sat up quickly, and grinned, "Good morning, big brother."

"The sun is coming up."

He Xiner's eyes widened immediately, and she looked towards the east without blinking.

A gust of wind blew, it was cool, and subconsciously tightened the cloak on his body, and then suddenly his conscience realized, "Is the big brother cold?"

"not cold."

"I didn't expect that the night in June is so cold."

While talking, He Xiner shook off the cloak on her body, stretched out her arms and put it on Ye Xusheng's shoulders, "Let's wear it together, hey, this one is fat enough, and it's roomy enough for the two of us."

As a result, the two of them hugged each other tightly around a cloak.

At night, He Xin'er burrowed into Ye Xusheng's arms in a daze, knowing that she was cold, so she hugged him in her arms.

It's just that the little girl back then was afraid of the cold and wrapped herself up tightly. He didn't feel uncomfortable holding He Xin'er who was wrapped like a silkworm chrysalis.

Instead, the two of them are wearing a cloak and sticking tightly together, and he can't help but his heart beating wildly.

Soon, a fish-belly white appeared in the sky, and the sight became brighter and brighter. Suddenly, the eastern mountain top shone brightly, reflecting the sky, clouds, mountains, and treetops in red, and then, the red sun slowly revealed its shy face~
At this time, the sea of ​​clouds is illuminated, and the sun shines.

The red sun is rising slowly, reflecting half of the sky red, the colorful clouds reflecting the sun, and the clouds rolling in clouds, as beautiful as an oil painting.

He Xin'er couldn't help but be amazed. She didn't sigh until the red light dissipated and the sky turned blue, "Although the beginning of the sun is beautiful, it is fleeting."

(End of this chapter)

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