Chapter 884 This Proud Guy

This old-fashioned tone is not like that of Xin'er who is usually joking and happy when she sees the sky.

"Haha, the sun is out and it's a new day~"

Someone's face changed quickly enough, he would still be frowning and put on a sentimental look, but now he is smiling brightly and full of energy.

Ye Xusheng's handsome eyes flashed lightly, he pursed his lips slightly, and said in a deep voice, "Shall we go back?"

"Yes, yes, hurry back, my mother got up early..."

He Xin'er seemed to have numb paws, she hurriedly pulled on her cloak, and was about to get up in a hurry, but after sitting all night, her legs were weak, and her body was also limp. fall down...


Ever since she pulled off her cloak in a panic, Ye Xusheng has been fully focused on preventing her from doing this. After all, she sat on a big rock all night, her body is stiff and inflexible, and she is frizzy. Hey, it is conceivable that it is inevitable The will come out like this.

Before He Xiner finished yelling, Ye Xusheng, who was nimble, had already picked her up.

"Huh, huh, it's so dangerous, so dangerous, my God, if this falls headfirst, my neck will be broken..."

"Don't talk nonsense!"

Ye Xusheng had nothing to do with a certain girl who was outspoken. Seeing her talking nonsense, he immediately became anxious, pulled her into his arms, and stopped her words in a serious and deep voice.

The hall brother had never talked to her like this before, He Xiner was a little helpless, and looked up at the hall brother with a confused face, only then realized that the two were so close.

One lowered his head, the other raised his head, looking at each other fixedly.

"Big brother, are you angry?"

"Promise to elder brother, you are not allowed to say such unlucky words in the future."

Since when did the hall brother become as furry as her mother?

It was just a joke, why did it involve auspicious and unlucky things?

Ye Xusheng was unbelievably stubborn, very serious.

It seems that she doesn't agree, so the big brother just stands here and spends time with her~
"Well, I remember."

Blinking and blinking, He Xiner chuckled lightly, the serious lobby brother is very domineering CEO Fan~
The early morning mountain breeze was cool and refreshing, and He Xiner was quite reluctant to part with it. She squatted beside the orchid bushes, lowered her head and took a deep sniff.
Chirping birds chirped from the branches, the rising sun reflected on the quiet Sapphire Lake, the lake surface reflected a little light, and the green peaks in the distance pierced into the clouds...

Although she was greedy for the beautiful scenery in the mountains, it was getting late, and He Xiner didn't dare to delay any longer, "Big Brother, let's go~"

"Brother carries you."

"Hee hee, thank you hall brother."

Early in the morning, no one would come to the deep mountains, Ye Xusheng was not afraid of being seen, he ran fast with He Xiner on his back, which made He Xiner laugh non-stop, shouting that he would come to see the sun again when he had the chance Ye Xusheng did not refuse.

Fortunately, Ye Xusheng ran fast. When they got home, although the door was half-closed, no one noticed them. He Xiner found it even more interesting. She hummed a little song and slipped back to the west yard, only to see the main room with the doors and windows open, thinking that her parents would get up early , went to work in the backyard.

Well, Dad will go to town later, and he will be loading the ox cart.

He opened the door softly, and saw a white shadow flying towards her, "Hey, hey, the voice of the great ancestor is quieter, don't wake up the little ancestor~"

Dabai was very dissatisfied and put his head on her body, almost pushing her to the ground.

"Ha ha……"

"Okay, dear, great ancestor, it's my sister's fault, don't be angry, I'll cook something delicious for you soon~"

Dabaizhi stared at her with his ears blank, with a hint of disdain.

Hey, this proud fellow!
 Ask for a ticket~
  Thank you in advance~~
(End of this chapter)

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