Chapter 885
June of the lunar calendar is the hottest month of the year, and He Xiner is afraid of the heat, she stays at home almost every day, writes a little story in the morning to coax her little cousin, and is dragged by her mother to learn how to be a female celebrity when she wakes up in the afternoon , I went to practice calligraphy in the big brother's room at night.

Cuizhi and Yuanyuan also came to play from time to time. The little sisters sat in the gazebo drinking scented tea, eating seasonal fruits, reading short stories, chatting, talking and laughing, very comfortable.

When the gazebo was first built, stones were specially laid to raise the foundation, which is easy to ventilate, and there is a big sycamore tree with a height of ten feet outside the house. Hold up a green shade.

After staying for a few days, the weather became more and more stuffy, there was no wind, and it didn't rain, it was so stuffy that people couldn't breathe, Cuizhi and Yuanyuan didn't dare to visit.

He Xiner held the fan whirring every day, but it was still unbearably hot.

"Oh, Dabai went to soak in the river again, I really envy him~"

Little Wang Jinling was also holding a fan and shaking it, he was so hot that he lost his usual energy.

"Cousin will fetch water for you, you go to the bathtub for a while."

"Okay, okay!"

Because He Xiner could only carry half a bucket of water each time, someone took two trips to lift a bucket of water, and poured it into the bathtub without even a third of it, but she was so hot that she was sweating profusely.

On weekdays, it was her mother who helped carry the water, and now her mother is taking a lunch break, so it is not easy to bother her old man.

"Hey, the water is hot under the sun, cousin, go and wash it."

Oh, what about taking a bath?

How to soak this little water?
The villain Wang Jinling complained silently, but her cousin was sweating profusely, and she was not willing to tire her cousin any longer.

When her cousin entered the bathroom, He Xiner took a deep breath and ran to get a folding fan from the house.

She had to find a way to escape the heat, otherwise she would die of heat in these dog days.

He Xiner let out a few breaths of sulk, closed her eyes and thought and thought, hey, it really made her think of a way, she immediately cheered up, and jumped up, "Haha, from tomorrow, baby Never be afraid of the heat again!"

This joy, the mood is cheerful, and the feeling is not so stuffy.

Although her method may not be successful, but there is always hope, isn't it?

So, He Xiner, who had been lazy for a few days, had the urge to cook food again, and asked her cousin to clean and change her clothes, and went to the kitchen happily.

Then, at dinner time, there was a new dish on the table of Lao Ye's family.

Thin and translucent Liangpi, added cucumber shreds, mung bean sprouts, mixed with chili oil, pepper water, balsamic vinegar, fine salt, coriander, and sesame oil, the red, green, and translucent, attractive.

"This dish must be made by the second girl."

The weather is too hot, adults and children have no appetite, and although there is always cold tea in the house, everyone can't lift their spirits.

Old Yetou was the same, he was so hot that he was wilting. He thought he would just have a bowl of porridge, but when he found a dish he had never seen before, he suddenly regained his energy.

"Master guessed it right. I just made it this afternoon. It's called Liangpi. One has chili oil added, and the other has no spicy."

"Haha, there are still many ways for the second girl, first is herbal tea, then cold skin, hey, hearing this cool word makes me feel happy."

"Grandpa, try it quickly."

"Okay, okay, try, try."

Ye Laijin smiled and picked up half a bowl of Liangpi for his father, Ye Laiyin quickly served rice porridge for his father, and old Ye Tou smiled and moved his chopsticks.

"This dough is very chewy, and the taste is absolutely amazing, sour, hot and refreshing."

Eating a cold noodle in summer is delicious and appetizing, and no one will dislike it.

He Xiner chattered busyly all afternoon, sweating profusely in the kitchen like a sauna, and almost passed out.

But seeing that everyone loves to eat, she is quite happy.

(End of this chapter)

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