Chapter 886

On the second day, Ye Laiyin came back from the town to unload the ox cart, and took a big brown paper bag back to the Xikuan courtyard. He Xiner and Wang Jinling accompanied Wang's needlework in the main hall.

Of course, He Xiner also had a flower frame in her hand, and she used a charcoal pencil to trace a butterfly pattern in detail, but she didn't even embroider a butterfly's wings.

"I am back."

When her father's voice sounded in the yard, He Xiner immediately jumped up from the stool and shouted excitedly, "Dad, have you bought it yet?"

"Why are you so frizzy, be careful not to prick your hands."

"Sister Xin'er, what did you ask Second Uncle to buy?"

Hey, my little cousin is very unflattering in what she said~
Forget it, I have business to do today, so I don't care about it with my little ancestor.

"Hey, it's absolutely good stuff, I'll show you some tricks later."

Next, He Xiner's tricks surprised Ye Laiyin, Wang Shi and Wang Jinling.

"My God, the water is freezing!"

"Miss Xin'er is amazing!"

"How did you do it, girl?"

Seeing the surprised expression on her father's eyes that were about to pop out, He Xiner rubbed her nose guilty, and said with a smile, "This saltpeter can make ice, someone discovered it a long time ago.

I read in the book that the nobles in the palace and the families of nobles used to store ice cubes in winter in ice kilns in the earliest days, so that they could be used to escape the heat in summer.

This saltpeter was originally a material for making fireworks and gunpowder, but it was discovered that it melted in water, which could absorb the heat in the water and freeze the water.

Therefore, those dignitaries no longer need to trouble Bara to store ice in winter, but use this method to make ice in summer. "

The little girl Wang Jinling listened with gusto, nodding her head and admiring from time to time, while poking the ice with her little finger to play.

But Ye Laiyin and Wang Shi were deeply shocked, making ice in summer!
Unheard, unseen!

"Hehe, hehe, it means that we country people are illiterate and don't understand this method. In fact, this method has been passed down for many years."

Hearing this, Ye Laiyin nodded with difficulty, and then asked enthusiastically, "The big families in the town are buying ice for this season, so can all the ice sellers use this method?"

Hey, why does she feel that Father has a heart that is ready to move~
"Although this method has been passed down for a long time, it is only limited to high-ranking officials, like the big families in the town. The ice they buy should be stored in winter."

"Don't those merchants know this method?"

"I can't say for sure, but using this method to make ice requires a lot of saltpeter. Unless you have saltpeter at home, you can't afford the amount."

He Xiner said it so clearly, Ye Laiyin could only give up the idea of ​​selling ice.

My father has a shrewd business mind~
He Xiner secretly laughed.

In fact, what she did not say is that if you use saltpeter blocks to make ice, you only need to expose the used saltpeter to the sun, and it can be used repeatedly, but it is not easy to find saltpeter blocks.

The saltpeter that can be bought is all small white crystals, she thinks it is not easy to use it repeatedly.

Anyway, the success of the saltpeter ice making experiment really made He Xiner very happy, and naturally there was the little girl Wang Jinling, the two sisters were laughing and laughing around a copper basin, as if they had won a big ingot.

Wang Shi and Ye Laiyin also looked at it for a long time with great interest, until it was getting late and Wang Shi was going to make lunch, He Xiner calmed down a little.

"I'll make another ice basin and send it to my mother in the kitchen."

"No, it's too hot in the kitchen, and the ice basin will melt after a while."

Mrs. Wang insisted on not wanting ice basins. She only said that she only cooks two simple cold dishes. As for making rice porridge and steamed buns, she burns dry firewood and does not need to guard the stove. She will stay in the shade in the backyard. Just keep an eye on the heat.

 Ask for a ticket~
(End of this chapter)

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