The charming girl of the farm gate of crossing

Chapter 887 I Don't Understand

Chapter 887 I Don't Understand

Even so, He Xiner didn't insist anymore, and continued to play with her cousin in the ice basin.

Then, when Lao Ye's family members were all sitting in the dining room preparing to eat lunch, their jaws dropped from the sudden shock of the ice basin brought by He Xiner and Wang Jinling.

Old Yetou's old eyes lit up suddenly, and he quickly made plans in his mind, such, such, such, such...

When Ye Laiyin was handing over the account to his father, he didn't mention it, he wanted to surprise his father, so when he saw the changing expression of the old Ye, he couldn't help but burst out laughing. .

"What is the second child laughing at?"

Old Yetou felt that he had seized a great business opportunity, and he didn't want to say anything in front of the whole family, but his brain was extremely excited, and there were piles of ingots with wings flying towards him. Lehe, who was poking secretly, was interrupted.

Fearing that his father would lose face if he spoke too clearly, Ye Laiyin had no choice but to lean closer to him, and almost impatiently learned He Xiner's words.

He Xiner just pretended not to know about it.

Finally, there were cool ice cubes. An ice basin was placed at the top and bottom of the kang. He Xiner and her sister took a nap comfortably, and then happily told Cuizhi and Yuanyuan the good news. .

And Ye Xusheng went to Zhang Tieniu's house after school after struggling all afternoon.

"Have a quick cup of tea."

In recent days, Ye Xusheng only stayed at Zhang's house when practicing martial arts in the early morning, and never entered Zhang Dongqiang's study during the day.

This will step into the house in the sweltering heat and heat, and you will feel refreshed instantly. Ye Xusheng didn't see the ice basin, and he didn't know how he did it. thin sweat.

"It's been a boring day."


Ye Xusheng drank his tea with his head down, avoiding his sight.

Something is wrong with this kid~
Zhang Dongqiang's handsome eyes flickered, a faint smile hung on the corner of his lips, and he knocked on the desk with his right hand casually, "Then Lao Shizi couldn't come in a hurry, it shouldn't be because of this, but I don't understand, what else can be worthwhile?" Are you fidgeting?"

"Not fidgeting."


With a drawn-out tone, Zhang Dongqiang squinted at Ye Xusheng with a half-smile, the playfulness in his eyes was not too obvious.

He originally had an elegant and handsome temperament, exquisite facial features, picturesque eyebrows, and a fairy-like person, but now the wanton and frivolous frivolity on the corners of his lips and brows has added a hint of evil charm, and he is endlessly romantic, unrestrained and unrestrained~
Ye Xusheng didn't want to look at him.

How could the person who was so handsome, full of talent, calm and calm, and gentle as jade before just change?
Hmph, it's a good thing he's not a woman, otherwise how could I stand this person's charming smile, I'm afraid even the soul will be hooked by him!
Thinking of this, Ye Xusheng's heart trembled, and he gave the other party a rather hostile look, warning him to restrain himself.

Zhang Dongqiang...

What kind of look is this silly boy?

"You came here on a hot day just to stare at me?"

Ye Xusheng choked.

In the end, he had something in his heart, but he couldn't tell others. Dongqiang was the person he trusted the most, and Dongqiang also had a background. He had a lot of experience, so he had to discuss it with him.

"Ice with saltpeter?"


Ye Xusheng's ears were amazing, he heard every word that his second uncle said to his master clearly.

Putting away the slight smile before, Zhang Dongqiang frowned slightly, pondered for a moment, stared at Ye Xusheng seriously, and said in a deep voice, "It's right not to do this kind of business. For one thing, the ice business in the entire Qingzhou Prefecture is all It is monopolized by the Anlehou Mansion, so no one else can cut his money."

Speaking of this, Qingjun's eyes are as deep as a pool, "Furthermore, the method of making ice with saltpeter has not been introduced to the people. Even the Anlehou Mansion has built many ice kilns in various places, all of which are filled with water in containers to freeze in winter. Ice it and store it."

(End of this chapter)

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