The charming girl of the farm gate of crossing

Chapter 888 Why Did Chapter Come So Late

Chapter 888 Why Did You Come Back So Late

"Xu Sheng..."

On weekdays, Zhang Dongqiang always likes to call him a silly boy, but he doesn't call him by his name very often. Now, these two light words make Ye Xusheng's heart feel tight.

"No need to say..."

"You should know it in your heart."

"I only know that she is pure and kind. If someone dares to trick her and try my best to protect her."

Zhang Dongqiang sighed softly.

"You know I don't mean that."

"Saltpeter is a material for making gunpowder. Although the imperial court did not expressly stipulate the limit, it is not suitable to buy too much."


"I'll get someone to prepare some for you."

"it is good."

"Next year's government exam, it's time to go."

"The township examination will take another three years."

"Heh, why don't you want to go to the county school?"

"Dongqiang is very talented. I have benefited a lot from learning from you."

The person who was praised didn't have the slightest joy, if it wasn't for his upbringing that didn't allow him to roll his eyes, he really wanted to give this silly boy a roll of his eyes.

"Is this dependent on me?"


Ye Xusheng was very calm.

"Haha, with you~"

It was still early in the morning, so I was not in a hurry to go home, so I simply took out the manuscript of The Legend of the Condor Heroes, and the two discussed it with great interest.

Yes, the manuscript of the novel is stored here by Zhang Dongqiang.

After all, the fighting scenes were all designed together with Dong Qiang and Uncle Zhang, so it was convenient to record them on the spot, not to mention that the three of them often had to discuss each other, and even made revisions from time to time. Gradually, all the drafts were saved in Zhang Family.

When Ye Xusheng talked with Zhang Dongqiang in ordinary times, Zhang Tieniu always had a reason to avoid it, but when he talked about his martial arts novels, Zhang Tieniu would show up immediately, and enthusiastically offered to be Ye Xusheng's partner.

Sure enough, the two had just finished discussing how to write the scriptures of the Nine Yin Manual, Zhang Tieniu knocked on the door and came in, laughing loudly, "Boy Sheng, Uncle will accompany you to give me the Eighteen Dragon Subduing Palms?"

Zhang Dongqiang laughed, "This set of palms is very masculine and strong, suitable for my father's way."

"Then trouble Uncle Zhang."

The room was cool and refreshing, and the three of them didn't go outside to suffer, but they didn't dare to open and close for real, and they didn't use any force, and slowly demonstrated the tricks.

After this gesture, I can't help but feel that it has been nearly an hour, and the sky outside has become dark, Ye Xusheng hastily left.

Those who had dinner early were chatting and enjoying the shade under the big pagoda tree, Ye Xusheng couldn't run, so he had to walk patiently.

"Lord Brother~"

As soon as he turned his own alley, the charming little girl happily ran towards Dabai with him.

"Run slower."

Ye Xusheng strode forward to meet him, in a good mood, subconsciously raised the corners of his lips, "It's dark, be careful where you step."

"Big brother, why did you come back so late?"

"Go to Dongqiang's house and talk back."

"By the way, did the hall brother tell Brother Zhang how to make ice with saltpeter? Uncle Zhang and Brother Zhang are also very pitiful. There is no woman to do the housework, and there is no one to make herbal tea on this hot day.

Tomorrow, ask my father to buy more saltpeter and send some to Uncle Zhang and his wife.

Hey, Brother Zhang, who is like a banished fairy, should live a life of rich clothes and fine food..."

The little girl didn't feel that something was wrong with the big brother at all, and now she was annoyed with eyes full of gentle smiles, naturally not to her, but to someone who was like a monster.

Squinting his eyes slightly, thinking of Dong Qiang's charming and frivolous appearance today, Ye Xusheng suddenly felt a toothache.

In order to prevent the little girl from continuing to babble, Ye Xusheng quickly stopped her from saying, "I was just about to tell you that Uncle Zhang has a lot of saltpetre, and they can't use it up. I'll bring some back tomorrow, so I don't need Second Uncle to buy any more."

"Yeah, they already knew this way? That's good~"

In the gray light, the little girl's big bright eyes flickered, agile and cunning.

(End of this chapter)

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