The charming girl of the farm gate of crossing

Chapter 892 Let's Go Out for a Circle

Chapter 892 Let's Go Out for a Tour

The word "fool" flashed through her mind, and He Xiner's heart felt tight. She hoped that she was thinking too much, no, she must be thinking too much!

Alas, why can't she get rid of this cranky problem!
"Come down, girl Ling, sister-in-law will play with you."

Hey, her sister-in-law couldn't bear it either, and the mother-in-law and daughter-in-law ran out.

It happened that He Xiner's mind was in a mess and she was not in the mood to play with her cousin, so she put the little girl down and let the two of them go to Xikua courtyard to watch the fish.

"Dabai, darling, where are you?"

Her ancestors hunted so much wild game for the family, and she was full of milk, but she was still cold-hearted and refused to allow Dabai to enter the main room, which was unreasonable.

He Xiner was a little bored and wanted to go out for a walk.

A white shadow swished out from the west courtyard, and within a few breaths, it had arrived in front of He Xiner, rubbing its head against He Xiner.

"Hey, let's go for a walk with my sister."

Petting Dabai's fluffy head, He Xiner finally felt a little more relaxed, and said softly, "Let's go out for a walk."

Dabai wagged his tail excitedly, looking very impatient, which completely made He Xiner laugh, "Are you bored after not going up the mountain for a few days?"

The corn in the crop field was about to be harvested, her father, uncle and her grandfather went to the field every day, and they didn't bring Dabai into the mountains for some days.

In order for the corn to absorb the sunlight better, to make the corn grow fuller, and to prevent the loss of nutrients, her father and grandfather were busy cutting off the tops of the corn during this time, and they would not go home until dark.

There is no rush for dinner, just take Dabai to the mountains, breathe the fresh air, and relax.

It's still early now, the bright sun hangs slantingly on the top of the mountain, it's not hot or hot, the breeze is blowing, and it's cool, it's a good time for autumn.

The black goji berries in the mountains are ready to be picked, and her father has commissioned a carpenter from a neighboring village to build a few more frames, as well as bamboo sieves, and even a few small and exquisite bamboo fences, so that they can use them to turn over For fruits, there is no need to turn them one by one to dry.

Hey, everything is ready, just wait for her father to finish his work, and then go up the mountain to pick with her uncle and brother Mancang.

All the people in the village stared at the three of them with good eyesight, and even the impatient ones had already come to inquire, which made He Xiner very annoyed, so Ye Laiyin discussed with Ye Shitian, and arranged the work first. up the hill.

Old Ye Tou had made an agreement with his two sons that he would hire laborers to harvest the corn so that Ye Laiyin would not be delayed from going up the mountain.

Although I don't know how much the wild fruit is worth, but seeing that the second child is so caring, Lao Yetou is also happy to be a good person.

In short, He Xiner and the little girls don't need to worry about picking the fruit, they just wait to handle the fruit.

He Xiner, who lowered her head slightly, was thinking all kinds of things along the way. In fact, she didn't think about anything serious, but her heart was always in a mess.

"Hey baby, come back~"

Unknowingly, she had arrived at the foot of the mountain, and He Xiner, who came back to her senses, didn't look at her beloved pet.

Dabai, who was jumping happily, heard his master's call, stopped his forward pace, and rushed back to He Xiner's side very quickly, then, then pushed her waist, and arched her forward.

"Ha ha……"

This ancestor disliked her too slowly~
As a result, He Xiner was amused by it, and said with a smile, "Don't underestimate me, she runs very fast."

Dabai glanced at her silently, and happened to be caught by He Xiner who turned around and hugged him, "Hey, what kind of eyes are you looking at? My sister has two legs, and you have four legs. Of course, my sister can't go fast enough for you." .”

Seeing the master's angry appearance, with bright white eyes, he seemed to be very happy, and he rubbed He Xiner's arm affectionately, constantly acting like a spoiled child.

"My sister is so itchy, haha..."

"Stay here and don't move, sister run first, okay?"

"Haha, come and chase me, Dabai~"

He Xiner held up her skirt and flirted around, and finally ran to hide behind a large bush.

 ask for a ticket~~
(End of this chapter)

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