The charming girl of the farm gate of crossing

Chapter 893 Chapter 893: This person has a clear goal

Chapter 893 Chapter 893: This person has a clear goal

At this time, the sun was setting, and in the bright gray light, the trees in the mountains were faintly shadowed, and the leaves were rustling as the breeze blew.

Dabai is really obedient, don't let him move, it really doesn't move.

He Xiner crouched behind the bushes, covering her mouth and giggling.

A gust of wind blew by, the branches and leaves shook, and the rustling sound became louder.

Inexplicably, there was a chill behind her back, and there was a little uneasiness in her heart.

She was just about to get up to look for Dabai, when she saw Dabai poking his head out from the side, he was deliberately playing with her, his eyes were clearly teasing.

"My dear..."

Before she finished speaking, He Xiner was shocked to find that Dabai's eyes were scarlet, his face was ferocious, and he was running towards him with a stern look. He Xiner was so frightened that her heart was beating wildly, she quickly crouched down and remained motionless.

Sure enough, Dabai leaped into the air before reaching her, jumped over her side, roaring and biting...

He Xiner put her hand on her crazily beating heart, and turned around carefully to look behind her.


It's a masked man holding a long sword!
She also discovered the beast as Dabai.

That man obviously knows martial arts, jumping and dodging Dabai, the long sword in his hand is constantly beckoning to Dabai, fortunately Dabai's speed is astonishing, although his body is huge, he is extremely flexible, seeing the sword in his hand dancing like a sword flower, Hastily dodged, looked up to the sky and roared...

As expected of her ancestor, this roar is earth-shattering, majestic and domineering, comparable to the fury of a lion king~
He Xiner was not exaggerating at all, Dabai's roar was indeed so powerful that it almost scared the masked man so much that he dropped the long sword in his hand.

damn it!
When he took this task, he almost didn't laugh and smoked it, but killing a small peasant girl is not as easy as crushing an ant, and that fool actually gave out 100 taels of silver.

100 taels, he is not considered a top killer, so it is not easy to come across such a large amount of business.

But who can tell him what is going on with this big dog?

In order to find out the details, he has been lurking in Yejia Village for more than ten days. If he had followed his temperament, he would have sneaked into the old Ye's house to start a fight, but the employer repeatedly told him not to make a big noise, let alone disturb the woman's family. Be sure to get your hands on the outside.

For the sake of the 100 taels of silver, he naturally obeyed the order obediently. After all, he still had 50 taels of silver to hand, and he had to explain it clearly when he returned.

He finally caught this girl going out alone, he was ecstatic, fearing that the big dog would find his tracks, when the girl he heard told him to go for a walk in the mountains, he went up the mountain to ambush ahead of time by taking advantage of the trees on the side of the path.

Yes, he knew about Dabai's existence long ago, but he didn't take it too seriously, he was just a bigger beast, and the matter was settled with a single sword strike.

Who knew this dog was so scary!
It's too late to regret now, that dog is as fast as lightning, he can't run away, the most important thing now is to finish this girl first, maybe this psychic big dog is sad for the Lord, and he can't care about chasing him...

He Xiner never knew what murderous intent was, but she felt it from the cold eyes of the masked man.

This person has a clear goal, and the goal is her!
By the way, Ye Xusheng is taking a rest today, he is discussing kung fu with Uncle Zhang and Dong Qiang at the Zhang family for his "Legend of the Condor Heroes", when he suddenly heard Dabai's roar, his heart tightened so suddenly, he raised his feet and ran out without a word , Zhang Tieniu and Zhang Dongqiang also reacted quickly without any delay, started lightness kung fu, and wandered all the way.

Fortunately, the sky was about to get dark at this time, and the villagers hurried to have dinner while it was still dark. Therefore, there were no idlers in the village, or they would be scared out of their wits by these three flying figures.

However, Dabai's roar almost scared the souls of the villagers. They thought it was some kind of beast coming from the mountains. Everyone hastily closed the door and warned the children at home to stay in the house obediently, not even in the yard. .

Naturally, there is no one on the street.

(End of this chapter)

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