Chapter 894 Well Safekeeping

Just when the man exerted all his strength and stabbed He Xiner with his sword at the fastest speed in his life, Dabai's huge body jumped up, as fast as lightning, and bit the opponent's neck with precision...

He Xiner turned pale and trembled in shock~
If she didn't understand, she would already be a dead soul under the sword!
She is an ordinary peasant girl, who did she provoke?
Someone wanted to kill her!
"Hey boy, come here."

Swallowing her saliva with difficulty, He Xiner tried to calm herself down, "I, I'm watching here, you go to the big brother. No, no, no, you are here, I'll go to the big brother..."

He Xiner hugged the warm Dabai tremblingly, and finally felt a little more at ease, Dabai's ancestor is her protector!
But it can't be found here, so He Xiner negotiated with it in a low voice.

Originally, she thought that Dabai would run fast and bring the eldest brother soon, but now the trees in the mountains block the last ray of the setting sun, and the shadowy light is dim. scary...

"Xiner, Xiner~"

A slightly anxious voice sounded, and Brother Datang was looking for her nearby, He Xiner cried "Wow", "Brother Datang, Brother Datang..."

Soon the three figures rushed to the front of the eyes, and He Xiner was pulled into her arms before her tears were blurred, "Xiner is not afraid, Xiner is not afraid..."

He Xiner had calmed down a lot earlier, but she felt unspeakable grievances. Now that she was pressing against the big brother's chest, she felt that the big brother's heart was beating faster than hers.

Zhang Dongqiang and Zhang Tieniu's eyes were sharp, and after just one glance, they knew that there were no other killers nearby. They breathed a sigh of relief and glanced at He Xiner who was crying. Zhang Dongqiang's handsome eyes were cold, but he patted Dabai's head lightly. Silently praise it.

But Zhang Tieniu squatted down and searched carefully, and found that the masked man didn't have anything to prove his identity except for a few pieces of silver.

"Boy Sheng, you take Xin girl back first."

"Then I'm going to trouble Uncle Zhang here."

Xin'er was frightened, so it's not appropriate to stay here anymore, Ye Xusheng didn't show politeness to the Zhang family, nodded to Zhang Dongqiang, picked up He Xiner, greeted Dabai and left quickly.

"Master, this kind of killer doesn't seem to be organized."

"Cleaned up."


This kind of thing is nothing to Zhang Tieniu, and he quickly cleaned up the scene without leaving any traces. As for the body, it is naturally not allowed to bury it here.

Speaking of which, Ye Xusheng had never seen He Xiner cry like this. He was distressed and pulled, suppressing the raging anger in his chest, and whispered softly to comfort the little girl in his arms.

He Xiner twitched with red eyes, and said in a strong nasal voice, "Going back like this will scare my parents."

"Go to my room."

"Tell my little cousin and second aunt to tell you that you went to Cuizhi's house."

On weekdays, only Mrs. Liu and Cuizhi are at home in the Guan family, and the population is simple. He Xiner and Ye Yuanyuan occasionally went to eat a few times, but they never stayed overnight.

But, Wang Jinling is smart and clever, she will have a way to convince Mrs. Wang.

Ye Xusheng avoided his family and took He Xiner to Dongkua courtyard through the side door, and then ordered Dabai to find the little girl Wang Jinling.

"Sister Xin'er, what's wrong with you? I heard Dabai roaring earlier, and Second Gu thought it was a wild beast in the back mountain, and prevented me from going out."

"Well, Dabai roared when he met a wild beast and bit him."

He Xiner followed her words and found an excuse, saying that she was frightened in the mountains and didn't want her parents to worry about it, so she told her how to get over it.

"Sister Xin'er, don't worry, the safekeeping is done properly."

The little girl patted her chest with a very righteous look, which made He Xiner laugh.

(End of this chapter)

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